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Shadow's POV

I arrived at home quickly and walked through the front door. "shadow! you're home!" I heard a girl yell. The girl's name was maria. And it was thanks to her that the professor created me. She had a deadly disease and i was created as a cure. A year ago she, thankfully, got better. It was also quite a hard time. The experiments had gotten painfully, but at least we got her healed.

When she did the commander wanted to execute me because i was of no use anymore. At first the professor agreed with him. Because i was completely immobile. Couldn't move one inch of my body. The reason why the professor agreed at first was that he didn't want me to start my life out of the facility as a normal hedgehog when i had become completely immobile because of the experiments.

Just a few days before my execution maria got her hands on a chaos emerald and gave it to me. Because of holding on to that emerald i slowly got mobility again. And the president made sure that the commander wouldn't have any right on me anymore. So the execution was canceled and i could live as a normal citizen. I must admit that i was scared when i first walked out of that facility. I had lived in a white room isolated from everyone, except for maria and the scientists, all my life and i suddenly got 'thrown' into the outside world. Without getting prepared for it or anything. But i'm glad i was out of it. No more experiments. No more isolations. No more scientists. And most important of all. No more g.u.n.

"hey, maria." i said and returned the hug she gave me. "how was your first day?" She asked. "it was fine." I said and put my backpack on the ground and walked into the living room. "aren't your parents home?" I asked and sat down on the couch. After i became a citizen maria's parents had suggested that they'd take care of me as a thanks for saving their daughter. Pretty nice for them. Only one problem though. Their almost never home. We didn't really complain though. Me and maria grew up together. So neither of us minded being left alone as long as we had each other.

Hours passed after i came home. And soon it was night. Maria's parents had come home and i had been studying. First day and already got homework. I can understand why people hate homework. It's boring, but it's easy. So i finished it quickly. I saw that it got gotten pretty late. So i changed into my pajama, brushed my teeth and went to bed after turning of the lights. I hoped i would have some friends tomorrow. It's not that i was tired of rouge. Not at all. I just wanted to have some friends to be with. Rouge can't always be with us. She has to be with her boyfriend and friends. I'm not sure if i could join her with her friends. So i would rather have at least one other friend to hang out with then bothering her the whole time and keeping her away from her friends.

I decided not to think about it anymore. There was plenty of time to try to have a friend. I yawned as i began to feel really tired. I laid down on my said and fell asleep after curling up a bit.

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