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Shadow's POV

I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Why is it so difficult? I had no idea i would be this troubled about it. I wasn't going to school so i had enough time. I frowned and laid my hand on my lower belly. It was christmas so that meant that i was 2 weeks far. I was so happy when i found out that i was having sonic's child. I didn't know how i could tell sonic. Sonic knows about my want for kids. maybe he could get the wrong conclusions and think i got pregnant on purpose. While it was truly an accident. I didn't know my body was ready at the time. or maybe it got ready the day after? i don't know, all i know is that i'm having his child now. I hope he wouldn't get to upset about it.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "shadow, honey, are you okay? we're about to start with our christmas dinner." My uhm...i mean maria's mother said. "okay, miss." I said and opened the bathroom door. "shadow, honey, i told you before. i'm your mother now. so you should start calling me mom." She said and laid her hands on my shoulders. "is that really okay?" I asked and looked up at her. "of course it is, honey." She said and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged back and smiled. "okay...mom." I said when we pulled away and i smiled at her. She smiled back and walked down the stairs. I followed her quickly.

Downstairs we were all enjoying our big christmas dinner. None of us had eaten anything since this morning because mom and i would make them a big dinner for christmas. Everyone were enjoying themselves so far. We were having so much fun that time passed by so quickly. We got to open our gifts. Ironicly mine was a white baby pj's with a note saying 'don't worry i'll help you, honey.' It was obvious that she knew that i was pregnant. Sonic looked at her weird. "i'm sorry! i can't wait till you're gonna have a baby." She said and squealled like a little girl. I sweatdropped a little, but smiled anyway. "you're his mother afterall. no wonder you can't wait." Sonic said and accepted that excuse from her. I smiled and looked down at the small clothing. It was white so it was fit for both girls and boys. I was happy she was so considerate.

When our party had ended very late at night i had gone usptairs to put the baby pajama upstairs to put it in a drawer of the nightstand. "you're starting really young, you know." I heard my mother say. I looked behind me and saw her standing in the doorway. "it wasn't on purpose. it was an accident. really." I said and looked down. "i know that, accidents happen." She said and laid her hands on my shoulders again. "i never knew that being pregnant was so troubling." I replied and sighed. "don't worry. he'll understand, but you'll have to tell him when the time is right." She said and hugged me close. I hugged back hesitantly. She stroked my top quill in order to comfort me. I really hoped that sonic would understand. If he were to bail out on me. Then i wouldn't know what'll become of me. I wouldn't want to lose him.

"hey babe! is something wrong?" Sonic yelled and walked inside. "no, nothings wrong." I said and watched mom walk out of the room. "i'll leave you to alone now." She said and walked towards he own room. "good, she left." Sonic said and turned back towards me after mom had left and had closed the door behind her. "hmm?" I hummed in confusion. "shadow, we need to talk." He said with a sudden serious tone in his voice. "about what?" I asked nervously. "shadow, i want you to tell the truth and not lie to me." He said and stared at me. "o-okay." I said stuttering. "good, now...shadow...are you pregnant?" he asked catching me completely off guard.

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