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Sonic's POV

I woke up late as i always did. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower and walked out of the house together with tails and knuckles. We made our way towards school again.

We arrived at school quickly and walked inside and the bell rang like usuall. We walked towards our first class, which was music class. As i walked in class with tails we both noticed that shadow, as usual, already sitting at his desk with rouge in front of him. In this class we had to share a seat with someone else. I had to sit down next to shadow unfortunatly. It's not that i hated the guy. Not at all, he's just a new kid, no reason to hate him. but i wanted to sit next to tails seeing as he was my best friend.

I sat down next to shadow and he smiled friendly at me. I smiled back just to be friendly. I don't know if it was just me, but there seemed to be something off on that smile. It was as if he didn't mean it. He looked in front of him because class just started.

Shadow's POV

That smile was a fail wasn't it? I tried give him a friendly smile, but it didn't really work out. For some reason my 'friendly' smiles also seem so sinister and evil. Must be because of my red eyes. I followed class with my full attention as usual.

Some time in class the teacher had requested the students to show how much music talent they had. "Why don't you give it a try, huh shadow?" I heard someone say out loud. Everyone turned their attention to me when he said that. The person who said it was a brown tough looking bat with dark green eyes. Rouge told me about him. He was one of those guys who constantly asked her out even though she didn't want anything to do with a guy like him. She told me that she had heard sonic say that those guys were very jealous at me for being friends with her. Don't know why they would be jealous though. Me and rouge are only friends. The brown bat smirked. I wonder if he is meaning to do something. I looked at sonic to see if he might give me a subtile hint. He was just looking annoyed at the bat. "Shadow, would you like to try?" The teacher asked and gestured over to a piano. I liked playing on a piano, but it wasn't as enjoyable as it was with maria. And i wasn't sure if i would do well with such a crud. So i shook my head and said 'no thanks'.

"coward." The bat said and i looked at him. Sonic looked even more annoyed. The bat's smirk widened and his buddy, a dark green hawk who also had purple eyes, chuckle. I was confused as to what so funny. "don't mind them, their just retarded that way." Sonic said and glared at them. I have to admit that he was pretty nice, but i don't think that he would want to be friends with me just because i looked like a spoiled rich snob.

Sonic's POV

Class was soon over much to my relief. I liked music class, but it wasn't fun if it had something to do with school. We all got up to go to the next class. As i was about to leave i heard the teacher call shadow to her. She asked if shadow minded to play on the piano now. She also said that she had heard through someone that shadow was really good at the piano. Shadow didn't seem certain at first, but the teacher assured him that now that class was empty that there would be no one laughing at him. A rich spoiled brat scared of being laughed at? There's a first for everything i guess. I was about to walk to my next class when i heard shadow starting to play. At first i thought my ears were playing a trick on me. So i walked back towards the door and peeked inside. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. He could play so beautifully. I never expected him to be able to do that, but then again. He is rich, so he probably got the money for private lessons.

I sat down against the wall and kind off just sat there listening to shadow's playing. It was so beautifull. I peeked inside again and watched shadow play. He had his eyes closed and a small peacefull smile on his muzzle.

I was almost pressed against the door and soon i did the mistake of falling over as soon as shadow finished. The teacher and shadow looked at me with a shocked expression on their face. They were obviously not expecting me to just fall into the classroom. "Mr. sonic, what a surprise to see you barge in like this." The teacher said with an annoyed expression on her face. I looked at shadow and he looked like he was embarrassed. And not even a little. "I should be leaving." He said and walked out of the classroom. I got up and walked into the hallway and watched shadow walk off.

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