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Shadow's POV

Sonic had put me down on a bed like the nurse told him to. I was glad there wasn't anybody else besides sonic. The nurse had asked sonic what happened. Sonic said that i wasn't feeling well and that my legs gave out underneath me. She checked me temperature and i had gotten a slight fever. I always got a bit sick after using to much energy. And healing took a lot. I was lying down on the bed like the nurse had told me to do so while she was calling maria's parents. Sonic sat down on a chair next to me. He was quiet and obviously trying to figure out how i healed myself. "did you use chaos energy?" He asked and watched me nod. "now it makes sense." He says and smiled. "how did you do it without an emerald?" He asked. "i don't know. i just can." I replied. I did know how, but i don't think he would take it well. Imagine if someone just said to you that he or she would say that they could use chaos control without an emerald because you were a project to be a cure for some fatally ill chick. You would think that the person would be crazy. The nurse walked into the room and said that maria's mom was waiting for me outside of the school gate. Sonic helped me up and supported me when i walked towards school gate.

Upon arriving at her car we saw her standing her smiling at us. She looked just like maria, only older and much darker blond. By seeing me she knew exactly why i was so weak because the professor had told her from the beginning of my creation everything. "thank you." She said to sonic as he helped me in the backseat. "no prob, ma'am." He said and walked back to school after saying goodbye to me.

Sonic's POV

I watched his...mother? drive away in the car together with him. Shadow looked pretty exhausted. I guess healing yourself took a lot of energy from you. Now that i think of it. Didn't he have a wound on his forehead last night? He must've healed himself twice on just two days. Must've taken a lot out of him.

I arrived at my first class after break and explained why i was late to avoid detention. I sat down next to Espio and heard the brown bat chuckle and call shadow a wuss. Of course shadow was a wuss, that's why he kicked your asses yesterday. I chuckled when that thought came in my mind.

The class passed by rather quickly. I couldn't get the image of me holding shadow out of my head. It was rather strange. I felt strange when i thought about that image. I wonder why? The last bell rang and i walked out of the school building together with tails and knuckles. Tails had asked why shadow wasn't at school anymore. And i told him that he felt sick. tails asked if i was sure that it hadn't had anything to do with

Shadow's POV

When we arrived at home i had a hard time walking upstairs and drop down onto my bed. i was to exhausted to dress into my pajama. So i had decided to stay in my clothes. I curled up and fell asleep not to soon after.

I woke up the next morning really late. I saw a note laying on my nightstand saying that maria's mom had called school to tell them that i didn't feel so good. So i was allowed to stay home. Maria's mom was a doctor, so she could make an official doctor's note so there was proof that i stayed home and wasn't just skipping school.

Some time passed by before i got up to walk downstairs for breakfast. I was shaking a little because i hadn't eaten any food since yesterday morning. I ate some breakfast and walked back upstairs to get dressed. I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. I heard my cellphone go off and saw rouge on the screen so i picked up.

Sonic's POV

All of us were sitting in a small cafe. We sometimes got together for no reason other then to hang out. When all of us had our drinks, rouge had decided to call shadow to see if he was awake. Apparently rouge had known about his chaos energy all along. Shadow picked up and he and rouge had been talking for a bit. I chuckled when i heard through rouge that he he had just woken up. He said that he was feeling a lot better and that he would be going back to school tomorrow. Rouge handed me the phone for a sec. and i asked him if he was okay after what had happened during lunch break. He said that he had almost forgotten about it,so i guessed that he was okay.

Sometime later rouge had hung up on the phone and went back to talking with amy and knuckles. I just kept thinking to myself while drinking from my glass. That brown bat and his buddies were probably gonna bully shadow by the looks of what they did yesterday and the tried to do the day before yesterday. It was probably a good idea to keep him close. I've seen what bullying can do to a person. And i won't let it happen to shadow.

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