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Shadow's POV

We arrived at school quickly and i got hugged by rouge."are you okay?"She asked when she finally let go of me. "yes i'm fine." I said and coughed again. Rouge looked at sonic in concern and watched him shrugg. Rouge sighed and went with her gaze back to me and rubbed back to help the coughing stop. I smled once it ceased. The bell went off at the usuall time and me and sonic made our way towards our first class.

The classes went by smoothly and during the day i didn't have to cough so much. But when evening approached my coughing got worse. But that was usuall for being sick. Being fine during the day and then feeling more sick when night apporached. Maria's mother once told me that it was normal.

"shadow, are you sure you're okay?" Sonic asked me when i coughed again. We were sitting on a bench in the park. We had to take a little break because i had started coughing. I didn't really want to stop, but sonic insisted on it and so we searched a nearby bench. "yes, i'm fine. don't worry." I said when my coughing ceased again. "are you sure? cause, i'm having a bad feeling about this." Sonic said and rubbed my shoulder. "sonic, it's just a cold." I said and got up and walked home. Sonic got up aswell and followed me.

We arrived at my home soon and i watched sonic walk off. He wanted me to get some rest and therefore wanted to leave me alone. Inside of the house i noticed that i had sonic's homework in my bagpack when i started my homework. I decided to follow the path sonic went and give them back. He couldn't have gottenf ar yet. So i ran out of the house and followed sonic. I found myself to be lost and i couldn't find sonic. I sighed and decided to stop by a house to ask for directions. I was surprised to see who was at the door.

Sonic's POV

I opened the door and became really surprised to see my boyfriend at the door. "shadow?" I said and looked at him confused. "oh, seems like i did find you." He said and laughed a bit. "what are you doing here? you should be at home resting." I said and watched shadow curiously looking over my shoulder. "i know that, but i had your homework so i wanted to return it to you." Shadow said and pushed passed me. I sighed. He was apparently curious about my home. "you're home is cozy." He said and looked around. "thank you." I said and watched him walk into the livingroom. "make yourself at home." I said. Shadow nodded and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him and he handed me my homework.

Some time after talking a bit we heard footsteps walking down the stairs. "sonic? who're you talking with?" My mom said and walked into the livingroom looking groggy. "hello, ma'am." Shadow said and watched my mom. "oh, hello. are you shadow?" Mom asked and walked closer to shadow. I sighed as she approached us. She was smelling like alcohol again and it was a scent shadow was obviously not used to at all."y-yes, i am." He said and tried to stay polite despite the hard alcohol smell invading his sensitive nose. My mom sat down at the other side of me and and talked a bit with shadow.

Evening had arrived really soon and my mother had left us alone in the livingroom. "your mother is really nice." Shadow said and finished his and my homework, again. "you think so? you don't think of me as a total loser?" I asked and got a surprised look from the other. "why would i think that you were a loser?" Shadow asked and laid his hands on mine. "for the obviouse, of course." I said and held his hands. "i would never think that you're a loser. and i meant it that i find your mother nice. it doesn't matter that she drinks. i love you and i accept your home situation." Shadow said and hugged my head against his chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around shadow's waist. I really was happy that shadow was my mate.

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