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Shadow's POV

Both of us just stood there. Neither of us saying a word. We didn't know what to say. After all, we hadn't seen eachother in 6 years. We stood there for what felt like an eternity before any of us dared to say something.

"uhmm...hey." Sonic said hesitantly. "hey." I greeted him back. There had been an awkward silence between every greet. "they're doing fine. You're a great mother, just as i had expected from you." He said and smiled very lightly. "thank you." I said before another awkward silence came. "do you miss them?" I asked. I saw sonic look down to the ground. "yes. i miss them as much as i miss you." He said. That caught me by surprise. "shadow...even after all these years... i still love you...so damn much." He said and i heard a sob coming frm him. "sonic." i whispered speechless. I didn't know what to say. "i regret all that fight. i wish i could turn back time and go back to those happy days in school and with our friends." He said and looked back up. Tears were streaming rom his face. Tears that i only now realized was crying to. I still loved him aswell. "i still love you to." I started. "it was a mistake to leave you. We should've gone through our dilemma together like a family." I finished with a sob. "but if you still love eachother. then why did you break apart in the first place?" We heard a vocie say. We looked to our side and saw that the voice in question belonged to silver. He looked at us with a sad expression. "i don't know, sweetheart." I said and choked back a sob while wiping my tears away. "it really was foolish of us to break up wasn't it?" Sonic said and put a smile on his tear-stained muzzle. "yes it was." SIlver said with matter-of-factly voice and a big grin. Mephiles just stood there confused as to what was going on. Silver obviously knew what would happen now. "shadow, honey. are you willing to try again?" Sonic asked and extended his hand towards me. I smiled as new fresh tears streamed down from my eyes. "yes." I quickly said and took his hand. Sonic pulled me in for a kiss. One i so happily returned. In that one kiss we both remember everything from our first meeting till this very moment.

Everything was going to be okay now.

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