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Sonic's POV

Just like we planned we were leaving for the camping. Shadow had packed his stuff and afterwards my stuff. We had a few talks about shadow quiting school, but so far he hadn't changed his mind. Big deal! i've got 2 months of free time to spent trying to do that. Hopefully it'll work out just fine.

I smiled when i watched shadow prepare our sandwhiches for the upcoming journey. Shadow was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He wore these to be able to move easily and because it was so hot outside. I was just wearing some jeans and a shirt.

When he had finished my lunchpacket, he put it in my bagpack and then started on his. I watched him the whole time. I had offered him help, but he didn't want me to. He would rather do everything by himself. maria told me that he uses that as an excuse to keep himself busy. But you still don't see me stopping him. Less work for me. Shadow took some small stuff from the aid kit and put it in his bagpack. "for how long will we be away?" Shadow asked as he finished up his and my bagpack. "just for a few days." I replied and got up from shadow's bed and grabbed my bagpack and walked downstairs. Shadow grabbed his and followed me quickly.

After a long wait and some quick goodbye's we were on our way towards the nearest train station. Amy and tails were really hyped about the camping trip. Shadow seemed very excited about this aswell. Can't blame him, this was his first camping trip after all. I didn't really care if i were to go on a camping or stay home. Aslong as i could hang out with shadow i couldn't care less.

After a half hour walk we arrived at the train station. We all sat on a bench while shadow got us the tickets we needed to go to the camping site. Luckily for us there weren't that many poeple here since it was very early in the morning and shadow got quickly back to us with our tickets. We went to the right stop and waited for the train to arrive. Unfortunatly it got delayed so instead of waiting 10 minutes we had to way 45 minutes.

Our train finally arrived and we grabbed our belongings and stepped aboard. In every wagon you had four seats facing eachother. Me and shadow were sitting next to eachother on the opposite of rouge and knuckles while tails and amy sat next to eachother on a pair of seat at the right side of the wagon.

During the ride shadow had fallen asleep and he was leaning with his head on my shoulder. Rouge and amy were talk to eachother while i was having a chat with tails. Knuckles had dozed of aswell and some of the few poeple who shared this wagon with us had complained about it. We tried to keep knuckles away, but he kept dozing off anyways. Knowing that knuckles wasn't going to stop they stopped complaining aswell. The train ride was long and it was 2 P.M in the afternoone when we arrived. We decided to go to a small café to get something to drink and eat. We chatted for a while after we had eaten our lunch. It was my turn to pay the bill so i did and then we were on our way to the camping site.

It was a small 5 minute walk before we arrived in at the entrance of the camping site which was of course a forest. We walked through the entrance and searched for a good place to set up camp. I found out some things during our walk. Apparently amy and maria had been keeping contact with eachother aswell and apparently shadow had told maria about me taking his virginity and apparently maria couldn't keep her mouth shut so amy and rouge knew about it aswell. If you wonder how i found that out, well i did because amy asked shadow severall times throughout our trip if he was having my child already. She could be a crazy girl at times. But then again, when she heard about me and shadow's relationship i did promised her that she could babysit our kids. I guess she can't wait for that to happen.

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