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Shadow's POV

I woke up the next morning to find myself curled up around sonic's bag. I sat up and put the bag down. I got dressed, ate breakfast and walked towards school.

In school i sat on a bench waiting for sonic. "shadow? is that my bag?" I heard the familiar voice of my boyfriend say as he stood in front of me with a spare bag over his shoulder. "yes, you forgot it when i threw you out." I said and looked down a bit. "oh." He said. "sonic...i'm huh...i'm sorry for overreacting like that." I apologized. "you don't have to be sorry." He started. "i shouldn't have acted like that to you." He finished and smiled. I looked up and smiled back. Sonic sat down on the bench next to me. I smiled and went from my gaze on him to look in front of me.

"we should go out." Sonic blurted out during lunch break. "you two go out?" Knuckles said startled. "myeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss, they do." Rouge said with a weird glint in her eyes. "that glint scares me." I whispered towards sonic. "same here." Sonic whispered back and nodded in agreement. "i didn't know you two did. why didn't you tell me, sonic?" Knuckles yelled as he got agitated for not knowing a thing. "we weren't exactly dating, but we are together." I said and finished my lunch. "yeah, but i'm planning on where to take shadow when we go out." Sonic said and got up to put his plate away. "i never said that i felt like going out." I mumbled very softly, but unfortunatly it was still audible for rouge. "you don't want to go out?" She asked confused. "of course i would want to, but what if something happens." I said and leaned my head on my hand. "what do you mean?" She asked still a bit confused. "i mean, what if something goes wrong that makes our relationship go downwards?" I said and rouge started to smile. "if he really loves you then it shouldn't be that easy to break you two up." Rouge said and got up from her place on the opposite end and sat down next to me. "it isn't?" I asked. "of course not, so don't worry." She said and wrapped her arms around my neck to try and cheer me up a bit. "i guess you're right." I said and returned the hug, of course, making knuckles jealous. We knew because he had started growling as soon as rouge embraced me.

Sonic soon came back and i dragged him to class as the bell had gone off once again. Because we had all of our classes together they were over in no time because we were having fun. As school soon ended we both made our way out. "so let's go." Sonic said and walked into the direction of my house. I stopped. He turned around and stopped aswell after he noticed i wasn't walked next to him. "what's wrong?" He asked. "can't we go to your house for once?" I asked because i was curious why he almost spend time at my house, but never suggested that we go to his house. "why?" He asked while walking towards me. "why not? you always suggest we go to my place, but i wanna see your home for once to and maybe meet your parents." I answered, but it seemed like the idea of me going over to his place wasn't such a good idea to him. "we should go and grab some dinner. i know a small restaurant and they have really good food there." He said trying to start a conversation on a different topic. "sonic, don't change the topic." I said. "i'm not changing the subject i just wanna get something to eat." He said and made his way to the restaurant he was talking about. I sighed and followed close behind.

Sonic's POV

I couldn't tell him about my home situation. He might get worried and i wouldn't want that. I don't like anybody worrying about me, especially not shadow. He's, weither he likes it or not, really fragile. I wouldn't want to put to much stress on him by having him worry over me. Talking about being fragile. Shadow must've thought that i meant that his body was fragile. But i wasn't meaning that at all. I was talking about his mind. His mind was pretty fragile to me. Nothing to be ashamed off, it's only natural after all he's been through. I just wished he would admit it, other poeple don't have to know about all that. just me and no one else.

My thought were interupted as a waitress came to take our orders. We had both told her what we wanted to eat and drink and she went back to the kitchen to tell them our orders. We were waiting for some time before our dinner finally came and we dug in.

After dinner we were making our way to shadow's home again. Shadow had insisted in going to my place because he wanted to meet my folks, but i didn't want him to find out. It's a bit embarrassing. I dropped shadow off at his home and made sure he was inside before i walked off towards my own home.

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