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hayden summerall sat in his car, quietly as annie freaked. "are you gonna say anything?" annie asked, mumbling "how could I? how could I?"

"I feel bad for the dad." Hayden blurted, no expression on his face, and Annie looked at him confused and angry. the hormones getting to her.

"you're the dad!" annie shouted, making Hayden let out a small chuckle.

"you've been with more guys than anyone in the world. how am I the dad when I bet you can't remember who you just had a quickie with this morning." Hayden shot back.

"Don't you see how you could be the dad. we never used protection, though I was on the pill we took the chance. not one other person did I do that with, especially since i made them pull out, not you. you see where I'm going at this?" annie fired back.

"I'm not the dad Annie. condoms can rip. rare but possible." Hayden informed her, then said, "I'll see you in roughly 7 months. Tell me then who's the father."

annie got out, and ran. not back to her luxurious home, but to the suitcases she hid behind the bushes. she took his promise, and didn't come back until she had the baby boy in her arms.

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