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hayden summerall was in his room with a bunch of friends. "Yo hayden! Could it be yours?" Caden suggested.

"You've asked that fifty times. it can't be, she slept with a lot of guys." hayden said.

"There is a chance hayden." Kenzie said.

"a chance I'm not willing to take." Hayden said, then his mom called him.

"Hayden! Come down!" Tisha shouted, seeing Annie with tear stains and a baby in her arms.

"Annie? What are you- are you ok?" He asked, rushing to her.

"Explain." Tisha demanded.

"Mom, it's not mine." Annie cringed.

"Hayden, can we talk?" Annie asked, trying to calm her baby while bopping him.

"Honey, here let me have him." Tisha offered, and Annie handed her Logan.

"He liked bops, and his name is Logan." Annie said, as Tisha walked to the kitchen.

"Come with me down to the basement." Hayden said, and Annie walked down with him. They sat on the couch, Annie trying not to show weakness. "Annie?" He called out, and she looked at him.

"Sorry, I just can't stand being away from him. The longest I was without him was 2 hours and that was when we were at the hospital and I needed to do a couple tests and so did he. Mother instincts I guess." Annie said.

"Oh." Hayden replied. "What did you need to talk about?"

Annie grabbed a yellow envelope from Logan's diaper bag. "I don't need to open this envelope for you to know. But the science backs up my claim."

"Annie, don't tell me-"

"You're Logan's dad, obviously."

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