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hayden summerall was shocked. so were his friends. the whole school was. no one knew she was pregnant except for Hayden. and her coming to school with a baby shocked everyone. Annie as a mother figure? no one thought that.

"Annie?" Hayden quietly called her name, she turned around and he saw the baby.

"what?" She asked, as if nothing happened, glancing at Hayden and back to her son. "if you're asking who the father is, I have the test results in my bag. I know who it is and no I'm not gonna tell you yet. or anyone else for that matter." annie said in a tone with 0 expression.

"I was gonna ask what's his name." Hayden quickly covered up.

"you've gotten better at lying." Annie commented "Logan. That's his name." annie replied. "I named him after my brother. not anyone I slept with. he only has his last name, one I'm not gonna share just yet." annie replied, the Logan started to fuss.

"you brought him?" Hayden asked.

"my parents don't know and no one can watch him. I figured it out. I just need help." Annie said, trying to hold her books too, along with her diaper bag, backpack and baby.

"Here," Hayden said, and put the books in her bag.

"I need to get a GED to leave this place." Annie said, as he zipped up her bag.


"I've found a perfect home for me and Logan in Fresno. We're living with someone right now but this apartment is one bedroom one bath and there isn't a living room technically, but the kitchen works fine. I've been saving up for months and using my trust funds, I could pay for it. it's pricy for the apartment but it's in a good neighborhood and when he's older he could go to school and-god. I need to go." Annie said, then walked away. "That baby, was someone you'll get to know more."

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