~twenty seven~

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annieleblanc tb to when my baby was 1 months old. today he's 3 and i cannot be happier. love you logan. forever.

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annie's pov

"do you like it?" annie asked logan, seeing he wasn't smiling when he opened her present. "you can tell me."

"daddy already got me dis." logan said shyly.

"it's ok. we can go tomorrow to return it and get a new gift." annie said, trying to hide the fact she was not as happy as she looked. it was awkward, especially since katie and hayley saw. "ok, you can go play with yo toys honey. auntie hayley will play with you while mommy cleans." annie said, hiding her sniffles.

"annie, take a break. i'll clean." katie said, then annie went to her room and closed the door.

the night before, after shopping, she went to the bar. she met some guy, not remembering his name and had a one night stand. right after, she woke up and went to pick op logan, making sure not to kiss him or hug him. she remembered the feeling. it reminded her of her high school slut days. she hated that she liked having sex without feeling emotionally attached. she didn't care if he was married or dating someone, it was just sex.

"hey," hayley said, entering the room, "you ok?" she asked, closing the door.

"just thinking." annie said.

"you sure?" hayley asked, sitting on the bed, then annie immediately got up.

"shit. my laptop!" annie exclaimed.

"what?" hayley questioned, turning her head.

"my homework! logan always sleeps with me on his birthday so i can't do it then." annie said, then hayley left her alone.

"mommy?" logan said, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"oh hey bud. come, let's sleep." annie said, and he nodded, taking her hand and then they got comfy in bed.

"mommy guess what!" logan exclaimed.

"yes?" annie asked.

"i heard auntie bels day i'm gonna have a sister to daddy!" annies eyes widened.

"ok. cool."

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