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mackenzie ziegler and Hayden's other friends were getting curious. walking down to the basement, they saw Annie sitting on the arm rest of the couch as Hayden sat with the baby in his arms, both smiling at each other.

"Hayden?" mackenzie called, and the two looked at him. the sudden startle made Logan wake and start to cry.

"for the love of god!" annie groaned, yelling as she took her son from his father's arms. "it took forever to calm him down. god damn." annie yelled in frustration, then walked to the opposite side of the basement, bopping her son to calm down his crying.

"get out!" hayden yelled at his friends, and they looked at him confused, and he pushed his friends up and shut the door. "sorry." He apologized to annie, and she was annoyed as hell.

"they don't understand- it's fine." annie said. then Logan continued to cry. "it's ok. mommy's here. it's ok baby." annie hummed to her son, as Hayden watched.

"can I try?" hayden asked nervously.

Annie nodded, and put her son in Hayden's arms. Logan quieted down, as Hayden sung a lullaby, one his dad sang. "He truly is your son." Annie mumbled, making Hayden smile and her frown. "I guess I'm not his mother." she thought, as she saw the picture play in front of her.

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