~thirty three~

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annie leblanc held her son's hand, now who was 8. "momma?" the girl said, pointing to the cereal boxes. "can we get some?"

"logan, get the cheerios for your sister." annie said, then answered her phone. "hey babe," she said, answering hayden's call. she then heard a loud thud, and cries. she saw her son crying on the floor.

"are you sure it's not a concussion?" hayden asked the doctor.

"yes, there is nothing in the ct or the mri. everything is normal. just a bruised shoulder." the doctor said.

"thank god." annie sighed, then kissed logan's forehead.

annie and hayden brought the kids home, then the kids played as annie and hayden cleaned up. hayden was now executive producer for ABC and annie got a job at a journalism company. their high paying jobs let them move into a modern house, not too big but large enough for their family, and if there were more to come.

"tomorrow thomas is going to pick up karly for the weekend." annie told hayden, since tomorrow was hayden's day off but annie had work.

"you really trust that dude? for the weekend?" hayden asked, looking through his emails as annie took off her makeup.

"he's her father. she looks more like him than she looks like me." annie said, then put her hair up in a messy bun. karly's dad was half cuban and half Portuguese. him and annie were married to different people when they slept together. one time and boom, karly. karly had his hair, face, even his eyes.  she did have annies nose though, but had much plumper lips. "besides, he doesn't have any other kids, he buys her anything."

"maybe you should talk to him about not buying her anything she wants. last month she came home with seven bags of toys from target." hayden laughed, making annie laugh too. but she was nice and one of those large bags were for logan.

"i'll talk to him about that." annie laughed, then brushed her teeth.

"what does he do?" hayden asked, now realizing after 4 years he still didn't know.

"um, i don't know." annie did know, and she wasn't gonna tell hayden, well, until he pried it out of her.

"yes you do." hayden said, knowing annie.

"yes fine." annie said, "he's a stripper."

"what!" hayden exclaimed, placing his laptop on the desk. "you had sex with a stripper?"

"it was caitlin's bachelorette party, he was called and then i was drunk and-"

"ew." hayden said, then started laughing. "that's how he gets all his money?"

"he also has a millionaire dad." annie said calmly, making hayden laugh more.

"you let a millionaire stripper have our daughter 10 days a month?" hayden laughed.

annie smiled, only because of one word. our. he's never said our daughter. in four years, never. until now.

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