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hayden summerall handed his son to Lauren, who loves babies. he ran upstairs, knowing they won't do anything bad to logan.

the door was partially open, he peeked in and saw annie crying, as she started to grab her things. "annie? what are you doing?" hayden asked, as she scrambled looking for logan's binky.

"just cleaning up." she said, sniffling and wiping tears. "where's logan?" she asked, then ran past hayden and downstairs. somehow managing to wipe any trace of her crying. "i gotta feed him." annie said, checking the time and taking her son out of lauren's arms.

running upstairs, annie changed his diaper and then lifted up her shirt and fed him. she had a panic attack and didn't know why. (her panic attack was while she was upstairs and they were downstairs)

"what was that about?" hayden asked, closing the door.

"i just can't stand being away from him. especially him alone, without his parents and with people who hate me- i can't." annie said, stuttering.

hayden saw a distressed annie, one above he never seen before. "i'll tell them to leave." hayden said, as annie looked down the whole time.

"y-you can see him later." annie stuttered, then took her son to her car and left with him.

annie has had panic attacks since she was 12, mainly why she started cheating on hayden. she feared if she'd get too in love with him and would get so attached. she cheated on him because she felt that he'd leave her anyway and that he wouldn't break her heart if he just left. but then she got pregnant and that changed her whole perspective.

annie recalled the night she went into labor. the best and worst night of her life.

flashback to that night

"ahh! oh god," annie screeched in pain. catrice was out of town that night, so annie was just alone in her bed.

by the time the ambulance came, logan's head was already out, so they had no choice but have the baby right there. before annie left, she made sure she had her passport, birth certificate, and her insurance card.

annie was so close to calling her parents, especially since she had her baby in a room she was practically renting. luckily, the paramedics arrived just in time so her and logan weren't harmed. she didn't tell anyone how bad it was, she didn't tell catrice either. but the truth was that she was in the bed, not able to move as her contractions came over her. she was alone, no baby daddy, no mom, sister, friends, no one. she couldn't even get ice chips like in hospitals.

postpartum depression is a real thing and not having someone by her absolutely sucked. you may think it's all her fault, but she was never like this before her brother died. she felt like the only role model for her was gone.

Annie went back to the motel, putting logan down and tying her hair into a messy bun. "annie?" she stood still, hearing the person's voice from outside. "please, can you let me in?"

annie opened the door, "mom."

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