~twenty nine~

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hayley leblanc picked up logan from preschool. annie was tired since she just entered her 8th month. she told logan that there was no baby inside her, just that she was doing it for school and he couldn't tell anyone.

annie laid in bed, crying. when she found out she was pregnant, she was so excited. she was of course sad that the baby daddy couldn't be there, but she was excited. but it was already months after, meaning she was already 4 to 5 months pregnant. she didn't remember why she didn't figure out she was pregnant, school kept her busy.

but now, the due date was getting closer, meaning the death date was getting closer. annie picked up her phone and pressed call, "come here now."

hayden thought it was an emergency for logan, so he ran over. logan was at his little league practice with hayley, which made hayden confused but he came. the door was unlocked so hayden walked in, and upstairs to annie's room. annie's back was facing him as she laid in bed.

"annie?" hayden called out, walking towards her.

annie sat up and faced him. "have sex with me." annie said, looking in his eyes.

"what?" hayden asked, stunned.

"have sex with me." annie repeated.

"what? no!" hayden exclaimed, "you're mourning right now, annie. plus i'm with bella."

annie looked down, at her stomach. just knowing that she couldn't be a mother to her child, killed her. she looked back up, "please," her voice cracked, her tears falling. hayden lifted her chin with his finger. "i-i need to forget. forget that this baby is gonna die. my baby." annie cried, and hayden looked up for a while. he would do everything for annie, everything and anything.

hayden walked away, as annie looked down at the floor. hayden walked behind her, onto the other side of the bed, and sat behind her. moving her hair, he kissed her neck. remembering how she loved it. he pulled off her robe as he kissed her neck.

he pulled her shirt off, and unclipped her bra. "annie, are you sure?"

annie looked at him, in and down, then his lips, "yes." she kissed him, he kissed back immediately.

annie moved into her back, as hayden pulled his shirt off. he climbed on top of annie, pulling her bra down and kissing her breast.


hayden unbuckled his jeans, taking out his dick, that was already hard. annie took his dick in her hand, pumping it up and down as she watched him moan and look up. hayden pulled annie's shorts and underwear down, then kissed her shaved pussy.

licking it up and down, annie moaned, her back arching. her stomach didn't stop them from anything.

"thank you. that helped me, i think." annie said, putting her robe back on.

"yeah." hayden said, and to be honest, he hadn't had sex in months because of the new baby. "me too."

annie was jealous of hayden. his baby momma was alive and his daughter too. annie was gonna break, "um, you should go. logan will be home any minute." hayden left, and annie cleaned up.

hayden left, knowing what he had to do.

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