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karly silva played with her dolls while her brother had his friends over. she didn't want to bother him, since he didn't like it. "karly!" he yelled, storming into her room. "did you eat my oreo?" he yelled at her.

karly shook her head. "no."

"you're the most annoying sister ever! you're not even my sister!" he yelled loudly, loud enough for annie to run while karly was crying.

"what is going on?" annie demanded, as she reached the room. karly immediately ran to her, crying. "what the hell did you do this time logan?"

"she ate my oreo!" annie rolled her eyes, every fucking day, she thought.

"he said i'm not his sister!" karly cried, running to hayden who was approaching the room too.

"of course your his sister." annie said, then looked at logan. "why wouldn't she be your sister?"

"we don't got the same dad. we aren't sisters." logan said, acting like he was tough.

"you may not have the same dad, but you both got me. go tell your friends bye and you're grounded for 2 weeks." annie said, then he groaned and walked to his room.

"why don't we have the same daddies?" karly asked, holding onto hayden's thigh. she never called hayden dad or daddy. only her biological dad. she called him hay all the time.

"because, now go to your room honey." annie said, kissing her forehead, then watched her skip off.

"this is becoming a problem." hayden said, and annie nodded. "i spoke to his teacher and principal, he's telling people lies. about our family, how we leave him alone." annie sighed, tiredly.

"shit. how about therapy?" they talked, while making dinner, deciding on taking logan to see someone.

"no! i'm not. no." logan whined, during dinner.

"no throwing pasta logan!" karly yelled.

"enough!" annie yelled, quieting the chaos. "i just want a quiet dinner, for once." annie demanded, then they ate quietly.

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