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annie leblanc and hayden slept in the bed while Logan was awake but didn't make a noise to wake up his parents.

"Oh sweet baby." Tisha said, picking up the baby, waking Hayden and Annie up.

"Mom!" Hayden yelled, and Annie tried to sit up more.

"Let's not yell. So we'll talk later." Tisha said in a baby voice.

"Here, let me feed him." Annie said and Tisha handed Logan to her. "We'll get Catrice and leave." Annie said, grabbing their bag.


"Catrice, lets go." Annie said, seeing Catrice fix up the bed. "We just are gonna go see my sister." She told Hayden and he nodded.

Hayden went up to Logan and kissed her forehead. "Bye baby." He whispered then Annie smiled and left the house with Catrice.

Annie wasn't going to see Hayley. She was going back home in Fresno to see what she could do about school. She needed an education and if graduating early meant she could start a new life with her son, then that's what she'll do.

Once they got home, it was around 3pm and catrice went to sleep in her room. Annie just made some lunch for herself and cleaned up afterward. Hayden called her, and she explained everything and man was he mad.

She told him she'd be back by the end of the weekend so she could graduate early. Whatever she can do to have a perfect life for her son.

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