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dr sandra gave annie a wipe. "you're 5 weeks along." she said, as annie wiped the gel off her stomach.

"are you sure?" she questioned, putting her blouse back on.

"yes," dr. sandra chuckled.

annie sighed, she did not need another baby right now. "how soon can we get a paternity test done?" hayden asked.

annie hit his arm, "don't worry dr. sandra. we won't be needing one. not again." annie glared at him.

"alright, remember to take your prenatal vitamins. but you're all set." annie and hayden left, annie immediately slapping hayden across the face once they got into the car.

"why the fuck would you say that!" she yelled, putting her seat belt on.

"just wanna make sure." hayden filles his eyes.

"fuck off ok hayden. i told you it's yours, do you want this baby or not? or are you gonna treat it like an alien because you think it's not yours?" annie yelled, hormones making it worse.

"stop yelling ok. you can't be stressed." hayden said.

"oh shut up hayden. stop talking!" annie yelled, then they went to michels.

"mommy!" karly yelled, hugging annie right as she walked into the house.

"oh my god, what happened?" annie asked, seeing karly had a bandaid.

"karly was playing with the bees and one stung her!" logan explained.

"oh honey, are you ok?" annie asked.

"yeah, daddy fixed me up." karly said, pointing to michel who was drinking his coffee.

"thanks for watching them michel for a few hours." annie thanked. 

"no problem." michel said. "am i gonna get a hug goodbye from my favorite kids?" the two kids ran to him, hugging him.

"ok kids, let's go. hay is in the car." annie said, holding her hands out.

"i don't wanna go. i wanna stay with daddy." karly said, her big eyes and puckered lips begging.

"come on, we are gonna go to the mall." annie said.

"yay!" karly and logan cheered.

"bye daddy!" karly said, then michel kissed her forehead.

"bye uncle michel!" logan exclaimed, then high fiving michel.

they got into the car. "did you guys have fun?" hayden asked.

"yeah! i love uncle michels!" logan yelled.

"how about you karly?" hayden asked.

"why do you care? you're not my dad!" she yelled, making annies eyes widen.

"karly, it was just a question honey." annie said.

"you don't yell at adults." hayden told her.

"you can't tell me what to do!" karly yelled.

"annie?" hayden said.

"karly, just not today baby. ok?" annie said, rubbing her forehead.

"ok mommy." karly mumbled, then started crying silently.

"oh no karly, don't cry." logan said, rubbing her arm. annie stopped the car, getting out and went to karly's side. "see daddy look what you did!" logan yelled, rubbing karly's arm.

"logan go on your ipad." annie said, then picked up karly, rubbing her back. "karly, you're ok baby. ok?"

"can we stay at daddy's please?" karly begged, crying into annie's chest. "please."

annie almost cried herself, "ok baby. me and you can."

"what about me?" logan asked.

"logan, you're staying with me." hayden said.

"no! i wanna be with mommy and karly!" logan yelled.

"you know what, fine." hayden groaned, getting out.

"hayden," annie sighed, "don't be like this."

"me? you're not parenting her. i'm her stepdad and she should know she can't treat adults that way. i'm sorry annie but you have to parent her." hayden told her.

annie put karly in her car seat, then closed the door so the kids would stay in the car. "i do parent her. but i'm sorry if i wanna be there for my kid because it's confusing for her why she and her brother have different fathers."

"it's because her moms a slut." hayden yelled, loosing his temper making annie step back, looking at him with wide eyes. "since high school."

annie looked down, giving up. "you married me ok? fine, you married a slut. you married me. and if you don't wanna be married to a slut. i'll call my lawyer tomorrow and have divorce papers within a week." annie said, her voice calm.

"annie no-"

"you really wanna be married to a slut? no, you don't. we're not right for each other. never have been." annie said, a tear rolling down her face. "this relationship is nothing but toxic. and it's ruining the kids' life."

"annie, please no." hayden begged.

"we aren't good for each other hayden. never have been and never will. and now, you won't have to see my daughter everyday which is what you've always wanted right?" annie let the hot tears fall, "we're nothing but toxic for each other."

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