~thirty one~

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annie leblanc walked into hayden's house. his house was large. he had a good job, and still was in school. his job was paying good and he knew how to spend his money. "your room is by mine. i have four rooms and one is my office, so you can have the one by mine. it's not too big but it has a large closet." hayden said, helping annie in with boxes.

"thank hayden." annie said, then turned and aw him holding a particular box. "no!" she screamed.

"what is it?!" hayden yelled.

"don't touch that box." annie said, grabbing the box, making hayden see the side he didn't see. if read london's stuff.

"i'm sorry annie." hayden said, as annie rushed up to her room.

"it's fine. thank you again." annie said, then hayden brought up the rest of the boxes. logan was in school and today annie had the day off.

the table was quiet, as logan went to his room and annie and hayden were still eating. "where were you earlier? after i left to pick up logan."

annie swallowed her food, "visiting london." annie said, looking down.

"ok." hayden said, then got up to put his plate away. "logan! 10 minute still bath time!" hayden yelled. "annie, i love you."

"what?" annie said, her voice high but at the same time quiet.

"i always have. it hurts me to see you like this." hayden said, "you're my son's mother. i can never not love you."

it fell quiet, "i'm going to my room." annie said, placing her dishes into the sink as well, standing by hayden.

"daddy!" logan yelled, from the top of the stairs.

"coming!" hayden looked at annie again, then walked up to logan.

annie went to his room, and then got up once it was logan's bed time. hayden and annie sat in logan's tiny bed, with him in the middle. "and the dinosaur roared, the pig oinked, and the moon fell as all the animals slept- you know what? i'm bored. how about a different story?" annie said, closing the book.

"did you two love each other? like michel's parents?" logan asked, making annie and hayden look at each other.

annie didn't know what to do. they both didn't. but they wanted to be honest. "we did. we do." hayden said, "when we were teenagers, we did something special and boop. here you are!" hayden said.

"what? what did you do?" logan asked.

"um you're too young right now. but we kissed. but you have to love that person for a baby to happen." annie said.

they kissed logan's forehead goodnight, then left his room, closing the door and turning on the baby monitor. annie and hayden went to their rooms, but annie had this urge. an urge to go to his room.

she stood up and went to her door, and as she opened it, like any other cheesy and cliche story, hayden was there.

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