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annie leblanc watched her baby daddy freak. she was right, and science proved it. "nope! this has to be false!" hayden shouted, throwing the paper on the table.

"It isn't. now, are you gonna be a pussy and flee your son or be mature and stay. I mean, I had the option to abort, put the baby up for adoption, or go to a fire station aka, safe surrender. yet, I stayed. believe me, I am shocked at myself. now, will you be there for your son or will you go?" Annie asked, standing up and grabbing her papers.

"I don't know." Hayden replied.

"tell me when you know. me and Logan are leaving tomorrow with the lady who's been taking care of us. tell me before hand or you'll never be in his life." annie claimed, then started to walk up the stairs till hayden grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 

"can I hold him? just for a second?" hayden asked, and she nodded. going upstairs she took the sleeping Logan and went back down.

"sit." annie demanded, then put her son in his arms. "support his head." annie told him.

"wow. he looks a lot like you." hayden said.

"no, he looks like my brother." annie said, and Hayden looked up at her. "head. support the head." annie said, and Hayden obeyed.


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