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annie leblanc kept her promise. catrice stayed in Fresno as Annie and Logan went back to La. she didn't know where she'd stay, but she'd figured just stay at a cheap motel. She stayed in a motel Sunday night, waking up at 4 am, only getting 23 minutes of sleep.

She changed, got Logan ready and drove to school. She was out of the motel by 5:30 since her school was across the city. She got there at 7:30, many people already there. She walked in, obviously people watched. She didn't care, she held Logan as she walked to her locker.

She saw from the corner of her eye, Hayden stepping away from his group of friends and towards Annie and his son. "Annie-"

"I know you're mad but we're staying till I'm done here." Annie said, looking at him.

"We'll y'all later about that." He said.

Annie looked to her left and saw his friends staring. "Have you told them? About Logan?" Annie asked.


"Then why are you here? I mean like why are you here if we'll talk later." Annie asked, starting to get frustrated.

"I just wanted to see him." Hayden said, looking at his son.

"By the looks on their faces, you need to tell them, soon." Annie said, then walked away with Logan.

After school, he told everyone to hang at his house and everyone did. Annie and Logan were in Hayden's room, since he invited them over as well. Annie was changing Logan's diaper in the room as Hayden welcomed his friends in.

"You're going to meet your daddy's friends." Annie said in a baby voice to her son, who's eyes were open and his beautiful brown eyes showed happiness, even if he was barley a few weeks old. Hayden walked in, hands cleaned. "Support his head and don't you dare drop him or else I'll kill you." Annie warmed, handing their son to him.

Hayden walked down carefully, Annie slowly following behind. Hayden turned the corner and was in the living room where his friends were. They now looked at him. "Oh my-" Mackenzie said, knowing what was going to happen.

"Guys, I'd like y'all to meet Logan Summerall." Hayden said, as he held Logan; looking so small in his father's large arms.

The room went silent. "No ones saying anything so like, imma say something." Johnny stood up. "IM A UNCLE!" Johnny yelled, looking at Logan and then spotted Annie watching from afar. He waved her to come over and she shook her head, and ran back up the stairs.

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