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annie Leblanc walked up the steps to a house she once called home. ringing the door bell, she heard it chime from the inside.

"I'm coming!" That voice made Annie's heart break. it was her younger sister's voice. "Annie!-" Hayley said, and hugged her sister. "baby." hayley said.

"yeah, hey Hayley." annie said, almost at the brink of tears. the two grew apart after their brother's passing. they still noticed each other, just didn't have those close sister talks.

"Hayley, who is it-Annie!" Katie yelled and hugged her daughter.

"And baby!" Hayley said, showing her mom the baby Hayley now was holding.

"Billy! Get out here!" Katie yelled, the smile still there just smaller.

"Annie!" Billy hugged his oldest daughter.

"And baby!" Hayley yelled.

"We get it hayley." Katie said, and Hayley handed the baby back to annie. "is this why you left?" Katie asked.

"I'm sorry. I had to." Annie said, almost crying.

"It's-" Katie was going to say it was ok, but Billy interrupted.

"Clean out your room." Billy demanded, he couldn't even look at his daughter or grandson.

"Billy!-" Katie yelled.

"Dad!-" Hayley And Annie shouted.

"Now! I will not have a teen thinking she's meant to be a mom in my house." Annie then started to cry.

"Billy, let's talk about-"

"Nothing to talk about Katie! I pay for this house and I will not allow her to live here with that thing." He shouted.

"I'll leave. I was never going to stay anyway. Not that you asked, his name is Logan and I am doing just great." Annie said, firmly then walked to her car. Putting her son in his seat and drive away, Hayley in tears and Katie and Billy fighting.

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