~twenty eight~

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annie leblanc found herself in a bar, again. making out with some guy she met 7 minutes ago. it's been a routine for her since logan's birthday. "you got a condom?" annie asked, in between kisses.


"oh hey bud!" annie said, as logan ran to her. behind him was bella, who was clearly pregnant, with a large belly. "congratulations guys. how far are you?" annie asked bella, picking up logan.

"6 months. i told hayden three months ago, just to be sure you know." bella explained.

"i know. so y'all know the name yet?" annie asked.

"not yet. we have a few in mind but we won't know for sure until we see her." annie and logan left a short amount of time after, and went to dinner.

"momma? who's that guy looking at you?" logan asked, then took a bite of his fries.

annie turned and then immediately looked back at logan. it was the guy from the night before. "no one. eat your food." annie said, but kept feeling  the guy's stare.

logan are his food, while annie left the counter, julie, the waitress, watching him. "so i see you're a mom." the guy smirked, as annie met him in the hall outside the bathrooms.

"we both know last night was a one night stand. which means if i saw you, we don't speak." annie said, looking around.

"you were amazing." he said, in a husky whisper. annie felt like melting. "what's your name?"

"julianna." annie said, her hand out. "you?"

"carson, carson montgomery." annie had a type. dark hair with brown eyes. but he, he had blonde hair with green eyes.

the next week, annie finds out carson was a drug addict. he died from an overdose one morning when annie woke up by him. it was the scariest thing that has ever happened.

but all of that was 5 months ago, now hayden and bella had a daughter named isabelle and annie was hiding her pregnancy. she would stay in the car when she'd pick up logan and have hayley walk logan out to hayden's car. annie was depressed, with the news of her baby.

"daddy!" logan said, running up to hayden as hayley walked him out, annie watching from her room.

"where's annie? it's felt like months since i saw her." hayden asked hayley.

"she's just tired. finals are coming up for her." hayley said.

"mommy has a big tummy! like a pumpkin daddy!" logan said, making hayley cover his mouth. "sorry auntie hayley, i wasn't supposed to say anything daddy."

"wait? annies pregnant?" hayden asked.

"no, mommy doesn't have a baby in her tummy. auntie hayley said she was just eating too much. right auntie?" logan asked, turning to hayley.

hayley got overwhelmed, "logan, mommy doesn't have a baby in her tummy. now go inside the car and i will talk to your dad." logan nodded, and got into the car where isabelle was sleeping in.

"what's going on?" hayden asked.

"it's too much for her to say, so i'll tel you. annie is pregnant, but, she found out," hayley started tearing up, "her baby doesn't have a brain."

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