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Words: 419
Authors note:

This book deals with some heavy subjects but not in every chapter, I do give warnings at the start. It is angsty but there is as much fluff and there is a happy ending. And any chapter title with symbols means it's in the past chapter. These character's originally from Thomas of course but they may be different, since they aren't sides but people in this fic, have to give them more of a personality, like not just logic being cold, calculating, It's Logan, not logic in any sense in this fic. Though the charecters, will be mostly just like the sides but with more depth, personality. With that being said.


There was a tale of a monster who scared children and even adults away. The parents were annoyed of who or what could scare their children so much. People demanded the beast to be banished away.

This has come to prince Roman and his advisors Logans attention. This fateful day they went out to search for the beast. It's said he lives in the forest near a cabin.

As Roman and Logan were walking, the prince started babbling "Imagine, what the beast even looks like Lo! Hairy and very scary. But fear not for I have come to save the day!" Logan sighed at his princes antics. He didn't really care. "Yes, yes your highness. Practically we don't know what it looks like. We only can get at an idea from information. It has been said it wears a dark cloak."

"Pish posh! Doesnt matter, it scared people Logan! The horrible days could be over, the people must be traumatized by it's looks." Logan sighed as they continued walking.

And finally they made it, to the location. They saw a tall being in a dark cloak that was walking inside. "HALT!" Roman yelled at it. It stopped, Roman ran at it and yanked it's cloak off and ready to fight but then Logan noticed it's not a monster at all, it's a person.

Logan grabbed Roman by the shoulder. "Roman! Stop and look!" He stopped and saw it's face and screamed loudly in fear. The person started to tremble,
"Roman! You go back I'll handle this situation myself." Roman backed away.

"My apologies, his highness can be eccentric." Since the cloak was off Logan saw his face. Completely black eyes with black goop dripping down and very sharp teeth, even crack's in the face like glass. It looked really scared. This couldn't be the beast. Logan thought this being looked so fragile and...broken.

"Excuse me. May I ask your name?" It looked up and saw Logan holding out a hand. It took Logans hand and got up. He nodded. "My n-names Virgilius..". Virgilius how peculuir. Logan thought. "Hello Virgilius, my name is Logan. Let's sit down and talk."

Through all this Roman calmed down and saw what Logan meant. He did look fragile and broken.

So heres a drawing of Virgil that I did, when he would open his mouth then you can see the sharp teeth. But initially he didnt have sharp teeth thats why in the cover he dosent have them chompers.

 But initially he didnt have sharp teeth thats why in the cover he dosent have them chompers

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