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   Meanwhile Logan was at the castle, looking through books. Once he has some free time he used it to read. About anything really, except fantasy since he didn't believe in that.

Right now he was reading about a girl who was a leukemia survivor, he sighed. Logan remembered his mother when cancer was mentioned. She didn't die from it but its still a touchy subject.

He was enjoying reading the book. The girl was smart and very logical. It reminded of himself a bit.

And with that he continued reading the book, until it was time to teach Roman. He got up and put the book in it's rightful place.

Logan walked to the training room. But he wasn't there, Logan raised an eyebrow at this. Roman usually was there, but he waited patiently.

20 minutes passed

And finally a panting Roman entered the room. "LOGAN IM SO SORRY!" The prince looked up at his advisor and he saw Logans face that looked like satan himself. Roman gulped in and sweated nervously.

"Where were you?"

"I i uhm, uuh i wa-"

"Dont lie to me tell me where were you." Logan sees right through Roman when he will make up an excuse. Roman sighed defeatedly

"I was at Pattons place."

Logan sighed annoyed, "Really? Roman this is the fifth time already, how long will you abandon your duties over that boy?"

Before he knew it Roman snapped.

"HES NOT JUST A BOY LOGAN!" Roman screamed at him. "Hes Patton Foster! Hes the most caring and loving person i have ever met! And im in love with him, but you wouldnt know what love is you dont feel anything you robot!" With tears in his eyes he ran out of the room.

Logan stood there, he knew Roman would regret yelling at him. But it hurt, he had tears in his eyes from the last sentance he said. Logan replayed it in his head. He chuckled a sad low chuckle,
Oh Roman, if you only knew. Maybe i indeed am a robot it dosent matter if i do feel hurt from your words.

Logan felt hurt, he went into the main place where king Thomas would be. He checked and he was there. Logan was trying to hide his sadness with an emotionless face, "Excuse me majesty, may i be excused for today?"

The king saw right through him that Logan needed a break, dark circles were already under his eyes and that pain in his eyes. It was evening after all, "Ofcourse Logan, you deserve it, youve been working hard lately you deserve a break."

Logans mouth turned a little upwards, "Thank you your majesty." And with that he left to his room. He layed down on the bed,

Roman's so irresposible i dont know how he dosent see it but how can i blame him, he dosent have much time to see Patton. Hes in love, i wouldnt be suprised if they were in love since they met. Maybe i should go see Virgil.

He knew it was illogical, but Logan felt comfort around him and he thinks that Virgil understand feeling better might as well go and get his opinion. With that Logan got up.

The advisor changed his outfit to a black button up and blue tie with black pants and shoes. Once he changed he went out into the kingdom.

When he was greeted he greeted back respectfully. The kingdom was peaceful ofcourse there were rumors and gossip but there wasnt violance every day to worry about. He passed through the village shooting a silent glare to the teens that hurt Virgil.

And he made it to the forest. Walked into it and finally he was at Virgils little home. He went over and knocked. Soon enough Virgil opened, he gasped when he saw Logan.

"Is something the matter Virgil?"

Virgil just shook his head, "No im just suprised you came back."

Logan smiled at him, "I like your company Virgil."

His cheeks flushed, "O-oh uhm thanks what are you doing here anyways?"

"I wanted to talk to you about my situation." Logan said in a little bit of embarassment. Virgil tilted his head, "Oh? Well lets sit down at my couch and talk about it." He gestured to his house.

They walked inside, "Do you want some peppermint tea?" Virgil asked.

"Yes, thank you. While you make tea may i explain?" Logan sat down at the couch. Virgil nodded, with that Logan began to explain the Roman fiasco how he was late and snapped and called him a robot all because he was in love. Logan didnt mention who, he wanted to give Patton privacy.

Once Logan was done explaining Virgil came back with the tea and sat next to him. "I see, well im sorry but im not suprised that princey did that. But i will say that being in love makes you feel and do things. Roman didnt get to see the person often so he lashed out, he probs felt a longing feeling to see said person. And being in love we forget responsibilities in general if im being honest. But Lo all i can recommend is give him time and a warning." Logan nodded

"Thank you Virgil. And its probably not probs. But if this is the case i dont want to be in love. Being in love seems like you become an idiot."

Virgil chuckled, "I dont want to be either, but from a personal place i can say that love can also make you feel better. Like happier and not so bitter."

Logan looked at him perplexed, "Wow Virgil you know alot, is there a reason why?" He flinched, "Id rather not talk about it  theres a reason why i dont want to be in love."

He nodded respectfully, he didnt want to intrude into Virgils personal life.

"Anyways want to go outside? Its dark and i want to see the stars." Logan nodded excitedly he loved the stars.

They went outside and sat down in the grass. For a while they stayed quite, it was comfourtable silence between them until Logan spoke up.

"Did you know that stars are made out of ionized hydrogen and helium gas?" Virgil looked at smiled at him.

"No i didnt, what else can you tell me starboy?"

Logans cheeks tinted pink he hasnt had a nickname like that, "Well see that constellation?" He figuratively connected the stars. "The one that looks like a weird fish?"
Logan chuckled, "Yes its called Aquila."

They continued talking about nothing yet everything. Logan giving facts and still connecting stars and saying constellations. They bantered the two felt like they didnt meet recently but have known eachother for years.

"Its getting dark i should get going Virgil." Logan said as he was standing up Virgil grabbed his hand, "Hey wait! Can we meet again? At around this time?" Logan couldnt say no to those hopeful black eyes that seemed to have stars in them.

"Yes we can, i will try starshine. Goodbye." Logan tightend his hand to Virgils then let go and left. Virgil was blushing hard.

Logan had got to the castel in one piece as he was in his room he heard a knock.

It was late at night he wondered who could need him at this hour. He opened it to see Roman looking guilty, the prince huged him unexpectedly.

"Lo im sorry for acting selfishly, im sorry for yelling at you it was my fault for coming late again. And you are not a robot, you never were, every human feels emotions to an extent." Roman blurted all out at once.
Logan sighed.
  "Its alright, i know you love him and its hard to stay away but you must know that you also have responsibilities. If this happens again i may consider telling your father."
Roman nodded, and let go from the hug. "LOGAN NOOO DONT DO THAT!! Oh? You know its hard to stay away? Where were you when i stormed out? " Logan blushed, "None of your buisness." Roman smirked, "I see hanging out with the dark and dreary."

"His name is Virgil get it right." Logan said, "Alright, alright ill leave you to sleep goodnight."

"Goodnight." Logan truly did feel better after talking with Virgil, he gave Roman time and a warning everything went well.

What Logan didnt know was that he was slowly falling for the broken soul.

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