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         Remus litsened to all this, very intruiged but concerned because wasnt he lonely half of the time?

Loneliness is bitter and hard to deal with, Janus heard his sister being killed that was tragic.

Once Janus was finished he looked at Remus and smiled lightly, "Now you know everything, huh. I never told the other reincarnations this, you just feel a bit more diffrent and yet the same."

"Janus...you experienced alot and just holy shit, was I good in bed? That's important."

He laughed but looked at him, with the expression of He really is an idiot.

"Yes you were, and before you ask yes your dick was good."

Remus smiled cheerfully, "Good! I will definetly be better than Brenard, but on a serious note Janus, I don't want you to be alone again. I don't want to see you suffer, I want to be with you for the rest of your life, not leave you because of stupid age. Can that happen?"

This was unexpected yet not unwanted. But he really didn't think it was possible unfortunetly, but it hurts no one to do research.

"Do you really want to stay with me?"
Janus had to be sure if this is what he wanted,

"To be your one and only to keep? YES OBVIOUSLY YOU SEXY DEVIL." Remus exclaimed,

He couldnt help but laugh, "If that's what you want dear."

Remus then climbed on his lap and sat down leaning his head against Janus shoulder, "Now tell me about your adventures! What did you do in the era when you didn't meet me? Where did you get these gloves?"

A sigh escaped his lips but smiled kindly, Janus didn't expect Remus to just hop on his lap like that, but they already confessed their feeling's, well then they can be as affectionate they want.

"Well I went to Denmark for an investigation, I met a merman he was a beauty, truly. Wonderful red scales and gloving eyes. I didn't think much of it really, but we got to know eachother, he had a sister but she died so he found condolence with me and we related to eachother. He was lovely I started to fall for-

Remus shut him up by pressing his lips against his, once he pulled back he said "No one is good enough for you except me got it? I get jealous hearing this!" He whined.

But all Janus did was smirk, all his reincarnations he loved seeing his soulmate jealous it was such an amusing sight, "Thank you for the kiss. It was sweet, and alright, alright. But that was my adventure, I have a scale from him since then because we knew we couldnt see eachother."

Remus frowned angrily, "Can I incenerate it?"


He whined, "BUT JANUS-

Janus kissed him hard, he moved his lips against his then pulled back, "Did I say you could interupt? My sweet poplolly, don't worry about it. No one can ever steal me away from you. Now hush darling and litsen, you wanted to know about the gloves?"

With flushed cheeks Remus nodded, Janus smiled and brushed his finger against his lips, "Good. Well these were a gift from you, well Rhoda. It is my very first and it's special, she knew my hands were cold and scratched so she kindly gifted them to me. I have gifts from Remulus and Brenard too, wanna see?"

"Well yes, but no. You see your lap is very soft and I'm feeling comfourtable."

Janus chuckled, "Ah sweetie, I know but that won't just do." He pushed Remus off him and went to get the gifts.

"YOU BASTARD! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Remus yelled very offended, but none the less very jokingly.

He just chuckled, Janus couldn't get enough of him. Remus was perfect, he walked over to his bedroom. And opened the cupboard and sighed fondly.

There was a ring with a yellow jewl on it, then there was his black hat, necklace, jewls from Brenard, he loved to spoil Janus.

He picked up the yellow ring and black hat that had a note in it. Janus walked out the bedroom and saw Remus standing there, "Uhm, you do know I was going to come back."

"Uhuh yeah whatever, cmon let's get back to the couch so that I can be back on your lap and make out." Remus said with sass in his voice and pulled his hand to the living room.

He sighed, his soulmate was clingy from time to time but he really didn't mind it all that much. The clinginess just showed how much he wanted to be around him, once they sat down on the couch Janus got the jewl ring.

Remus looked curiously at it, "Who got this for you?"

"From Remulus, it is our engagement ring, he had the green and I have the yellow. It was special, I got engaged to mutiple reincarnations of you, and to some I got married, altough I knew that it wouldn't last long but just for your happiness I had to." He said with such sincerity in his voice and fondness.

The two just fit like puzzle pieces, the puzzle itself might be a big mess but they were messes together.

"Janus, do you have any idea how sweet you are from Deceit? I don't need your facade, I want you. You don't need to hide your sexy scales."

He chuckled, "Yeah. Just you ALWAYS loved me TOTALLY not being confident."

Remus shoved him lightly, "Whatever, you get what I mean snake man. Now tell me about the hat."

Janus picked up the hat and sighed, "This ones from Brenard, he knew I had a really old hat I wore all the time so he gifted me a new one that could cover my identity. He would cover my eyes alot because he always said What's the thrill of knowing and seeing everything? "

"Stop! You are giving me ideas." They just laughed,

Once they finished talking Remus climbed up on his lap and kissed Janus saying, "Boyfriend's?"

He nodded, "Boyfriend's, my love."

Little do they know is that Remuses curse is broken by accepting Janus for who he is and getting accepted back no matter how gruesome the duke was.

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