Alternative ending

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         Eventually they were all tired, but in the midst of things Roman slowly pulled himself and Patton away when they made it inside the castle.

Logan and Virgil were talking calmly then noticed the two missing chatterboxes, "They fucking abondoned us?" Virgil asked seemingly no one,

"Appears so." Logan simply replied to his question. He was not suprised and actually not disappointed, he much rather prefers Virgil, but that's probably because he loves him.

At first they didn't know where to go, "Hey Lo, can you show me your piano progress?" Logan nodded since the ballroom was close by and half of the time empty, like this time.

They sat down at the piano, Logan began playing. Virgil was impressed how far Logan has come, both mentally and his skills. He was playing a mystical type of feeling music, if Virgil had to describe it in a painting it would be like this.

In a forest, evergreen grass, dark indigo sky with stars in the sky. A lake that's too blue to be green, with water lilies all around. In the trees moon plants, and in the middle of it all two people dancing, one with black ink hair and the other with shining purple.

Virgil sat next to him and litsened to the music for a while, getting so enamoured within it, that when it stopped he stared at Logan in awe. He stood up and said, "Logan teach me how to dance." He wanted them to be those boys in the painting.

At first he looked at him in confusion, but was blushing fiercly at Virgils demand and pure appreciation and love in his eyes for his work. He stood up and nodded to teach him, since the annual yearly ball is coming up. Logan himself was getting rusty, since his dance partner left to dance with his fiance.

The pianist led him to the middle of the ballroom. "First, the rythm is one, two, three. Keep counting that as I take the lead."

He lead Virgil by footseps, guiding him by footseps. Honestly the man wasn't even focused on the dance itself, he just let his body follow.

They got into a steady rythm, even though they had no music it still felt surreal and comepletly like a dance. Shining in through the windows, moonlight and the stars.

And Virgil started humming a song,

"When the world get's too heavy
put it on my back

I'll be your levy

You are taking me apart like bad glue
on a get well card

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time
calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to me to let me know. "

Logan smiled with blushy cheeks and blinked, he loved Virgils singing. Starboy thinks it's just a song, when really it is aimed twoards him.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?

Could I tell you again somehow?

Have I told with all my heart and soul how I adore you?

Well starboy, I'm telling you now."

Then he realized this song was for him, not just a song, as Virgil was about to cup his cheek he clumsily mistepped

And they fell over on top one another, Virgili's world turned black. He didn't see anything, hear anything, or feel anything.

He opened his eyes to white and bluish room around him, he was in a bed where a cup sort of thing was around his mouth, there was some kind of tube in his arm.

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