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Everything was going well. Logan and Virgil spent the rest of the day with Patton and Roman after Logan confessed his diagnosis.

6 months have passed from that now, everything has gotten better for the most part. Logan is more open, smiley since he started his sessions with Picani and drinking the right type of medicine.

At the ballroom Logan plays the music, he has taken a huge liking to playing piano, Roman noticed how well he played and said he should start taking more professional lessons.

So he did, altough the work load on Logan has been taken off, he still is the royal advisor but he wasnt teaching everything to Roman anymore. He still taught some things but not all.

Virgils face was clean of all cracks, he had natural fang like teeth. But his eyes were still a hollow black, he did want to break his curse but accepting yourself is hard but with the right type of people he can learn to accept.

Ethan and Remus were happily living together, the boys visited them. All of them became a small group of six, it was rare but at times they would go out on adventures together.

None of them felt alone anymore.

Though, Roman was sick and tired of seeing Logan and Virgil looking at eachother all the time, it was painfully obvious the two loved eachother.

One day Roman came up with a brilliant plan, he stormed in his lovers house.


Patton shrieked but then realized it was just his boyfriend, he turned to him with a curious yet happy look on his face.

"What is it hun?"

Roman came over to Patton and put a shoulder around his waist, "I was thinking, don't you see how grossly in love our dark knight and knowledgeable pianist are?"

He slowly nodded,
"I mean it's pretty obvious, but what are ya planning there?" Patton gave his lover the look, which meant he knew Roman has a creative plan once again.

Roman smiled excitedly, "Well I was planning to get them out on an official date!"

"How do you plan to do that?"

He pulled Patton close, noses brushing, "Mi amor, we are getting involved. We will hang out as we do, but when we get the chance we leave."

Patton chuckled and kissed his nose, "Don't ya think we should let them confess on their own terms?"

Roman groaned, "But Paaaaat, they don't even seem to realize that they are in love. So we have to be their wingmen." Patton chuckled,

"You sure have bright ideas and nicknames! Alright, I'm on board ya knucklehead, what's your plan?"

The prince smiled brightly.

Virgil was minding his own buisness when he got a letter from none other than Roman himself, he was hoping it was from Logan but what can you do when the prince invites you on a friend group outing?

In the letter there was written the time of when and where to arrive. But the one weird thing was that he wrote Virgil should wear very nice yet his authentic self clothes. He was suspicious but followed along with it.

On the other hand Logan was practicing piano in the ballroom, then Roman barged in demanding him to be ready in an hour, "For what reason you want me to go outside?"

He smirked, "For a friend group outing!!"

Logan sighed disappointed, "I won't come along, tell the others I had work to do."

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