
454 21 17

Words: 1087

       A couple of days have passed and Logan was walking to see Virgil. Ever since he saw the dude with him, Logan has been concerned and wanted to know what actually happend. That was the plan today for the daily visiting hour to Virgilius Black.

As he made it to his house, he heard a voice inside already. ...Maybe it isn't one of those days to talk about that.

He knocked and suprisingly none other than Remus opened the door.

"Oh, hello nerd!" He said excited,

"Why are you here?" He was blunt and straight to the point. Because why would he be at Virgils home anyways?

Remus gasped offended, "What is your deal? I am only here to hang out with the most ravishing emo in the kingdom of course!" He said with a glint of flirtyness in his bright green eyes.

"Who are you?" Logan asked, he isn't going to be wasting his time with this idiot who called the royal advisor a nerd.

Before Remus could even answer, Virgil was next to him, "Holy shit, I'm really sorry Lo I forgot you were coming today."

Logan gave him this look that read, What do you mean? Is there something happening that I shouldnt witness?

"Uhm, why are you apologizing?" Instead he said that, didn't want to make things awkward.

"Because, it might be dangerous with the two of you. Do you think I don't notice when you look at duke with such pure anger?" Virgil asked,

Logan felt that, people say his face is blank and comepletly expressionless and here is Virgil saying he looked angry.

"It will be alright. Besides I want to meet him, his name was the duke?"

"Yeah, well okay come in." Virgil walked in with Logan.

...intresting name. He thought to himself. And so he was inside the little house where the duke was sitting on the couch.

"OH GOODY! You brought the nerd in." Remus said with an almost sarcastic tone to his voice.

No wonder why he is Roman's twin. On that thought what kind of royalty names their son the duke?  So, so many questions.

As he sat down with Virgil. Well first things first, check up on his mental state, to make sure he isn't crazy.

"The duke are you mentally stable?" Only Logan would ask a blunt question like that.

Virgil burst out laughing, knowing the duke it's a good question to ask.

"Me?! Mentally stable?! How dare you assume that! If you think ripping out from a road kill a heart and keeping to show affection is mentally stable, sure!" He started off offended, then cheerful.

Okay, he is definetly not mentally stable.

What he didn't expect was what he saw. Remus putting his arm around Virgil and saying.

"I'm positive I have given a heart to this sexy ass of a guy. I mean just look at him! Hes so scarily handsome, my sweet Virgil." Remus whispered flirtatiously.

Logan was getting more and more frustrated. But saying this to Virgil after he supposedly broke up with him, is okay? Fuck no. His eyes turned into daggers, Logan was officially silent but deadly. But he felt that pang of jealousy, never going to admit though because FeeLinGs aRe BuLlShIt, rIghT?

"Excuse me Virgl, may I take this man to talk?" He said so politely but his intentions were filled with malice.

Virgil said catiously, "Sure." And he pushed Remus off him.

Both of them walked over to a corridor of Virgils home. As soon as they got there. His polite facade that was infront of Virgil faded, because this man deserves no politeness.

"The duke, why are you talking to Virgil like that? You broke up with him! And now you are just all flirty with him, you are practically filled with lust. I wouldn't be suprised that you broke up with him just because he wasn't good at sex." Yes Logan was speaking irrationally with anger, his logic is clouded.

The duke just heartily laughed, "Seems like the dear ravishing emo doesn't trust you, huh? And by the look's of it you are just jealous, because I get that ass and you don't."

Logan was caught off guard by that first sentance, "What do you mean? Virgil would tell me thing's when he is ready to talk about it, you shouldn't even force someone to open up about it. And jealous? That's ridiculous." He said as his eyes were nothing but filled with that emotion.

The dukes eyes changed to evergreen, "Of course, Virgil would hate it if someone forced him to talk about his past, he usually starts to tremble when mentioned. No one deserves to be forced to talk about something they dont want to, except the court room, that's when you have to speak the truth no matter how badly you don't want to. And face it Logan, you like Virgil but just don't want to admit it." His whole way of speaking changed.

Shocked as he stood there, Remus just walked away. He then stood there, leaned his body against the wall. What just happend? The way the duke spoke changed comepletely even rational, and his eyes whose eyes change like that? But Virgil...I  do like him don't I?

Virgil walked over to Logan and put his hand on his shoulder. "Lo, are you okay? I know that the duke can seem really irritating especially to someone like you."

How can I not like you Virgil? Even if I avoid my feeling's, they don't go away.

Logan smiled gently at him, "I'm quite alright Virgil. But sorry if this seems invasive but do you trust me?" He wanted to know.

He stared blankly at him then hugging him sighing in his shoulder, "Of course I do Logan, I trust you the most out of anyone really. Are you asking this because of the duke?" Virgil looked at him.

"...no." He lied and that lie was noticed. Virgil snorted, "You are a bad liar Lo."

Logan chuckled, just being around Virgil calmed him down more than anything.

"But trust me, I will tell you thing's when I'm ready you know that." He said reassuringly.

He nodded, "Of course I know."

"Okay let's get back to the rat man." Virgil said, as they walked back to the living room.

I wouldve prefered mischevious jerk who get's on my nerves already more that Roman.

Authors note: So this chapter was fun, yet chaotic i hope that's okay with you readers but man my mind went wild with this one.

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