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As days passed, Logan has been thinking about the night he spent with Virgil, it felt surreal and soft.

He felt so wonderful, at those times all he truly wanted was Virgil. But he knew it wouldn't happen. One day he went over to Virgils home and there was already Remus there. Lately he has been laying off of doing idiotic things but he was still flirty as ever.

Logan felt so much jealousy but he kept it all in for Virgils sake because he didn't seem to mind at all or atleast thats what it seems like.

But alas he was now inside Virgils home and Remus was just eating marshmellow fondant, all of them were once again reading a fairytale this time it's called Sleeping Beauty. Of course its the version where it's most old and gruesome tale that Remus and Virgil grew up with.

Unlike the fairytale books, which Roman reads. He has gifted some to Virgil to lighten up, and he enjoys it but most importantly loves to point out the darker intentions of the happier tales. This time in Sleeping Beauty this versions title is Sun, Moon, Talia written by Giambattista Basile. This version of the story is dark.

The main girls name is Talia instead of Aurora. And instead of having fairygodmothers putting everyone to sleep once the princess pricks her finger, instead we have a princess which under her finger gets a flaxseed stuck and falls down dead and the father is so sad but he just abondons the body up on a fancy velvet chair under a brocade curtain in an empty palace in the country, and leaves her and tries to erase any memory of her.

Instead of a prince in the fairytale coming to the rescue, instead we have a king who was hunting and stumbles upon the palace, goes inside and without no response from the woman the king proceeds to do sexual intercourse, to the dead body just because he was enthralled by her beauty. And after 9 months the woman gives birth to her babies...unconciouslly, and one of the babies sucks out the flaxseed and Talia wakes up super confused about the babies and just accepts the situation. The king named them Sun and Moon.

And later on the scumbag king and Talia meet and weeks of hunting trips that should take hours instead are weeks the queen gets suspicious and sends her secretary to spy on them, and the mother wants revenge and tricks the kids to the palace and orders her cook to cook them into meals. But he takes pity and gives the children for the wife to take care of.

And makes two lamb meals in 100sauces. Later on it ends with the queen burning and the king and his new wife and kids living happily ever after. Yup those are the origins of Sleeping Beuty but ofcourse there are also diffrent versions of this tale.

As Logan, Remus and Virgil were reading together. Logan looked at Virgil, his pretty eyes and soft looking lips. He turns his attention imideatly away and to the book. Remus was in the middle.

"Ah! How I love these tales! Don't you agree sexy? Unlike my stupid brothers tales ours are a bit more gruesome!" Remus said in a cheery voice, Logan couldn't agree because he found that both tales have flaws but "These origins are indeed more intresting than the tales of love and happily ever afters."

Remus nods cheerfuly,
"It is fun reading these again duke. But i'm glad you can read these with us Lo." Virgil said in a fond voice, he loved that fond voice Virgil had whenever he spoke about something and someone he cared for...
And that someone is the duke. He wouldn't care for someone like me, he already has someone dear to him and that isn't me...happily ever afters don't exist for me.

They chatted on, and suddenly Remus put his arm around Virgil and whispered, "Hey sexy, I like your weave, and those lucious pecs you've got, maybe we should.."

It's happening,

Remus leaned in closer,

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