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Words: 997

It was a rainy morning, but Virgil always loved rain but today was the day to go. He wanted to go back to sleep but it was already afternoon, he would have sleeped in since that's his "morning".

He yawned and got up to get ready. First he went to the bathroom looked in the mirror and sighed. Hello not me, Virgil thought. By this point he could only wish to look like what he saw in the mirror.

The boy touched his own face and looked sadly in the mirror, but then he shook his head, It's not the time to dwell on that, It's time to help Logan.

And so picked out his outfit, mainly black but with hints of purple and black army boots. Brushed his hair and started to think of breakfast. He had some leek and bacon.

Virgil cut the leek in bits and pieces, put butter on the pan, added seasoning,  and cooked them. He learned this recipe from Patton one day when he hung out with Roman and him, and then cooked some bacon.

As he sat down with he started thinking best ways to approach the situation.

I should wear the cape when heading out, so that people don't screech at me. But how will I get into the castle anyways? Roman doesn't know anything about me coming, wait theres that bitchy dude at the gates, who was he again? Sleep...yeah let's call him that, maybe he remembers me. No that was a long time ago, how could he remember me?

Logan though. I just hope he hasn't done anything as bad as I did...lord please let him be okay.

His heart ached just thinking about it, after all starboy the person who has helped him so much. He has helped get help, give comfort and care.

Who could have thought that behind his kind, methodical ways there could be such underlying sadness. Virgil continued to eat until he was done.

It was 3pm and he put his long, dark cloak on, took a deep breath in and out. And then ventured outside.

Virgil was walking through the start of the kingdom, it wasn't as crowded as the middle so he can relax for a little. Some people shot glances but didn't do anything and that was the very least he could ask for.

Sure he has changed, become more confident and sarcastic rather than quiet, scared as he used to be. But that doesn't change the fact that hes still insecure. This is a challenge, to go through the kingdom and feeling stares even if they arent there, It's that crippling fear that everyones staring and silently knowing that It's him, that monster from long ago.

But he needed to go through the kingdom, he's now in the middle part It's crowded since It's afternoon. It was easy to blend in and be that shadow and try to speedwalk through it, more people around the anxious Virgil get's so the fastest he was out of their and at the gates the better.

When he was walking through, there were market stands, one of them had a bracelet of a dark sparkly planet and saturn. He was intruiged, it reminded him of Logan talking about astronomy. Alas now wasn't the time.

Virgil looked up and has made it to the gates where the guards stood, he walked closer and there was that guy before, Sleep.

"Who are you?" The other guard asks in a judgmental tone,

He gulped, "I'm Virgilius Black."

Remingtons eyes winded, "Hold up gurl, were you the one sad boo Lo brought that one time?"

His eyes sparkled with relief, "Yes, I am. And I am here to see Logan."

"Wait you know this thing?" Another guard next to him asked

"What thing?" Remy asked,

"The thing infront of us!"

Remys eyes widened in offence, "Excuse me?"

Virgils heart stung at the insult, he already wanted to go back home. But he has already made it this far he should stay, for Logan and himself.

The guards continued to bicker wether they should let Virgil in or not. Then he saw Roman, and Roman noticed him and saw the bickering guards and walked over.

"Excuse me, what is going on?"

They turned their heads to the crown prince, "This monster is trying to get in, prince Roman."

Roman's eyes darkend, "Monster? I thought you knew better than Sir Archevald. He is no monster, hes Virgilius and my dear friend. Let him in." He said in a steady voice,

The guards bowed and let Virgil through, and now they were walking.

"So Virge, did you have any reason coming here out of the blue?"

Virgil sighed and looked at Roman, "Yes, I'm here to see Logan. Can you please show me where he is?"

Relief, and hope fled the princes face, "Of course, he's in the garden. I will lead you there."

And so they walked through the palace, and to the back doors that led into the garden.

When Virgil saw him for the first time in a while, he wanted to cry.

Logan sitting at a bench, holding a purple flower in hand. Pale skin, much thinner than before. Sun shining on him, some tears staining his face. He absoloutely wanted to cry at the sight of Logan.

"Lo, theres someone here to see you." Roman said,

He wiped his face and looked up, pure shock was written all over his expression when he saw Virgil for the first time in a while. Crying silent tears, Roman left them be.

Virgil walked over and sat next to Logan, trying not to touch his delicate face and trying not to break down at the same time.

"Hi Lo."

"V-virgil, hello."

Hii, so i didnt intend this to be this long. So i will be cutting this into two parts, but suprise I didn't update on weekend this time. But I will update at weekend, it's just a double update. Hope you enjoy!

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