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     Remus has walked home, one thing he didn't expect was wailing. He was in the living room and saw Janus just on the couch smooshed in a pillow.

He walked over there, and tapped Deceit on the shoulder. Graoning came, Remus was worried, Deceit wasnt getting up and so he grabbed him by the shoulder to face him.

What he didn't expect to see that Janus face was red, Remus toched his forehead, it felt really hot. Janus leaned into the touch and purred,

...okay maybe hes sick.

"Janus? How are you?" Remus asked,

"Haha, I'm simply stunning as you would say~" He said with a silly voice, it sounded like his nose was stuffed.

Remus sighed, Janus indeed was sick, with a fever. He put his hand away, and was going away then he felt a hand grabbing him, "Where do you think you are going? I don't want to celebrate sickmass alone!" Janus whined.

He chuckled, Remus indeed did like this version of Janus, "I'll be back, you hot mess!"

Janus smiled goofily and said, "Okay dukey."

Remus chuckled more and went to get a wet towel to put on his burning head and some medicine. Janus was like a goofy, kind and flirtatious drunk when sick. Usually he was a bit more sly, cheeky and confident.

So he really liked this side of him,
he went to a cabinet grabbed medicine plus water and a wet towel.

As Remus got back, he saw that Deceit was crying a little bit, he imideatly put the things down on a table and went to him and held his hand, "What's wrong?"

"I thought you left me!" Deceit lied, but the man next to him sighed out of relief, "I wouldn't leave you, you sly man."

Janus chuckled and wiped his tears, Remus got up and got the things, "What are those?" he asked like a little kid,

"These are things to make you feel better!"

He gasped, "What's wrong with me?!"

Remus sighed, "You are sick you idiot." He said in a friendly manner, Janus sighed disappointed, Remus wanted to question it but didn't.

And so he handed some medicine and water, "Here, drink these."

"But I'm missing something." Deceit said, "What are you missing?"

"Of course I'm missing vitamin you!"

Remus laughed maniaclly, "That was perfect! Then I will grant you vitamin me!"

Janus eyes sparkled, he put his finger on Remuses lips and on his cheek, and waited expectantly, he stared at him with his evergreen eyes blushing.

He leaned in and kissed his cheek, Deceit smirked, "Better, I needed vitamin you first." Remus just chuckled, but sighed sadly because Deceit usually won't  remember things the next morning when sick.

Nonetheless Deceit drank the medicine, and layed his head on Remuses shoulder and breathed slowly through his mouth.

Might as well enjoy this while it lasts, I wonder what sexy brains is up to. Did he get together with the hot emo? If he doesn't I will push him to do it.

"What did you do today?" Deceit asked,

"I looked at some butt's, hot dudes. And wondering if there is snake porn." Remus replied honestly, altough leaving out some parts.

Ethan sighed, "Which dudes?"

"The hot emo and the furious nerd."

Ethan looked down disappointed, "What's wrong?" Remus asked,

"You don't like me?"

Remus paused not knowing what to say, "UHM. Of course I do like you, of course you were the hottest guy I saw today. So perfect and wonderful even though your face is red and nose full of snot."

He seemed to be pleased with that answer more and snuggled next to Remus and said, "That's what I thought. You scared me, you always said I look handsome and making me feel warm inside and wanting nothing more than kiss you."

This is a first, Janus hasnt said these kind of things when sick, and he is very honest when sick.

"You like me just as much as a good looking ass?" Remus asked jokingly,

Janus chuckled, "I like you more than a good looking ass. Wait no I don't like you."

He doesn't like me...might as well get up since he doesn't like me. Remus was about to go when felt Janus pulling on his arm more and saying, "I love you."

"Wait what?"

"I love you. My sweet lunatic. You are the most attractive person alive to me, you make my day just saying your joke or doing something silly. You are absoloutely wonderful, your smiles, your wonderful laugh. I know you care dearly, just admit it, both of us are just too scared to say we love eachother." His face changed, on one side of his face were scales and his eyes were yellow like that of a snakes. Janus looked etheral, and so so fond.

He put his hands on Remuses cheeks and kissed them each, for once in his life Remus was the one blushing, "You mean it?"

Janus sighed, "Of course I do poplolly, while I am in this sick and vulnerable state I wanted for once say it rather than not at all. Because you know I won't remember this in the morning, so please come forward to me when you can dearest, because slowly I'm suffocating from seeing you flatter others flirtatiously...I always have loved you Remus."

This didn't sound like sick Janus, he looked afraid not goofy or smiley, sounded just so ashamed of himself.

Tears dripped down his cheeks, then Remus realized, "Janus...you aren't really sick are you?" This boy was just half sick not fully sick to the point he is goofy.

More tears dripped down his face and nodded and shakily started to get up when Remus pulled him in for an embrace, Deceit cried in his chest, "Your face was red and hot because you were...crying?" He asked,

Janus nodded, he pretended to be sick just so that he could have a reason to act confidently and say that he loves him. He was so ashamed of himself and so afraid to just say it, so he tested Remus knowing he thinks that Janus is sick, knowing that Janus may not remember all this.

He did this all planed but not at the same time, he didn't want to admit that he was just crying of how actually insecure he is of his actual face and the fact that Remus could never actually like him back. So he played this game.

Remus just hugged him closer, his heart felt full just like a full glass of your favourite drink.

"But why were you crying?" Remus asked,

"B-because I...I hate how I actually look like, full of scales your brother was right that I was a snake, a terrible snake who has caused harm. And knowing that you wouldn't accept me like this, the real sides of me...the actual me who wants nothing more than just acceptence and be normal. Sometimes I pretend to be confident just to seem good enough, kind enough. I'm a fucking monster Remus, I have caused so much havoc and chaos that it's just-

Remus just shushed him by pulling him to his chest, "Breathe Janus, breathe."

He shakily breathed in and out and just tiredly layed his head on Remuses chest. Tired from crying he closed his eyes, "I love you too Janus, always have. I will accept you, you have accepted the most dark side of me, experienced me giving you disected hearts and showing you my collection when I was the duke. And so I will accept you."

"It's not pretty Remus..."

"Says the pretty man before my eyes."

Janus chuckled, but sighed, "Alright I'll tell you my story."

Hey guys. It's me, so before we get to the cliffhanger on Analogical there will be two more chapters about Demus and one of them being Deceits story. We are like a bit more than half way through the story. There will be more of Analogical as this book was intended for after two chapters. I will be updating on the weekends because school has started this week.

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