
483 22 16

Words: 1106

As they walked in Virgil gasped, it was like at the castle but more casual. They are like vintage royal rooms, sofas with patterns looking soft like a cloud. Where they were now was the main room, sofas, tv, curtains flowing softly.

"Like what you see?" Janus asked amused,

Virgil nodded, the fact there were only two people living here was unbelievable. The outer look of the cave was decieving of how the inside is actually.

Both of them were happy at Virgils amazed reaction, of course he doesnt want to admit that he likes how everything looks like.

"Well boys, I will go and bring some tea. Virgil would you like earl grey?"
Janus asked.

He nodded, as Remus and Virgil were sitting on probably the most comfourtable thing Virgil has ever sat on. "How did you manage all this shit? Like it looks so expensive and comfourtable and looking like you live like royalty."

Remus chuckled, "Oh my, I did nothing. Everything belongs to Janus, he has his ways of doing things and figuring stuff out. Even though I am the only person who has lived with him this long, I still don't know how he got to this point. He keeps secrets, puts on masks. From what I heard, he never really tells his name to no one, and is known only by the name of Deceit. "

He truly is a curious case, one thing is known, don't mess with Deceit. Virgil is intrested yet scared of him meanwhile Remus seems to not be intimidated at all by him.

And speaking of him, he came in with three cups of tea. Now Virgil was anxious to try it. More suspicious of what was in it.

Janus noticed, "Do you not want it?"

Virgil shook his head, "No I do, it's just whats in it?"

He chuckled, "Don't worry, there is no poison if that's what you're wondering. But if you insist, well it's made out of typically black tea base flavoured with oil from the rind of bergamot, or-

Janus went on explaining, Virgil was just sitting there perplexed, Who is he even?  How does he even...what the fuck. Is he a tea conissuer?

"Also did you know I originally got it from Brittain?"

Virgil stared dumbfounded and only said, "Uhuh."

Janus chuckled, "With said that, cheers gentlemen." He brought the cup of with his hand, and he only could follow along.

He still was suspicious, but. Fuck it, I'll die anyways.

And so he drank it, it was suprisingly really good one of the best things he has drank actually.

"Good as always Janus!" Remus complimented. His cheek tinted pink slightly, "Oh thank you, I know."


"Did you add anything to it?" Virgil asked.

"Just my special ingredient, nothing much really it just gives that astounding taste." He said nonchalantly. Suddenly his eyes widened.

"Oh! I forgot, wait here." Janus quickly got up, and soon got back with...What the fuck?

In his hand was deoderant, fucking deoderant.

Imideatly something in Remuses expression changed, and his eye colour switched to a bright green.

"OH GOODY! MY FAVOURITE SNACK!" He ran up to Janus and hugged him tight then took the deoderant,

As he sat back down he...ate it, right infront of Virgil who looks so shocked.

"What is going on?" He said extremely confused.

Janus walked over to him and whispered, "Don't worry, it's filled with marshmellow fondant."

Still sitting there really concerned, he said  "...okay??"

Janus sighed, "He has a curse layed on him, he is basically two people at the same time. Be prepared for crude language, and sexual innuendos. On a side note call him the duke rather than Remus. " Whispered yelled,

"Should I go?" Virgil asked,

"No, it's not advisable since you two were extremely close. I won't be suprised if he would secretly follow you home. "

He shivered at the thought, So that's what he meant by hes different now and not to be afraid.

"Okay, I'll stay." He just will be catious.

Remus chomped on the deoderant, then he looked at Virgil, "OH! My most precious emo is here!" He checked him out,

"Handsome as always, I must say I love the scary look about you! Those deep black abyss eyes where everyone could fall in and die. Angler fish teeth gurgling on unsuspecting victims. You truly look terrific!" He said with a cheery voice,

Virgil didn't know what to say, getting complimented by Remus about this look is strange yet not unfamiliar.

"Thanks, duke." But nonetheless he should accept the compliment.

He chuckled to himself, and gurgled his tea. Janus just looked happy, strangely this was domestic, drinking tea with them, and just chatting.

"Janus, don't get jealous youre sexy too!" Remus said all of a sudden.

He was drinking tea when he said that, and now spit it out choking out of shock. Virgil laughed, looking at the now blushy Deceit.

"Of course, I know I'm good looking. There is no need for reassuring me." Janus said trying to hide his embarassment.

"Great Janus knows hes sexy? Good improvement, but we all know it's just a facade for how much you actually want me to compliment you huh?" Remus said cheekily, of course flirtatiously.

Damn, this side of Remus sure is straight forward.

Virgil stayed quite, wanting to see where it goes.

"Oh shut it rat man, I obviously am not lying, you know that I don't lie to you." He said with confidence.

Remus howled in laughter, Janus looked at him caught off guard, "What are you laughing about?"

There were tears in his eyes from laughing so much but he calmed down saying, "Seriously?! You lie to me how you feel constantly, don't you see those blushy cheeks of yours? Just gonna say you look dashing when submissive. "

Janus sighed and put his hand's on his face. "I'm sorry Virgil for witnessing this." He mumbled in his hands.

He honestly didn't mind this, it's fun to watch but now he understands one thing, they like eachother and the duke is naturally flirty.

Soon enough, Virgil had to go back home, and Remuses eyes turned back to normal. Janus was no longer blushing, "Bye Dee and Remus." He waved at them,

"Bye Virgil."

"Byee Virge, i'll be waiting for you!" Remus exclaimed, waving at him wildly.

And so he left the cave.

Authors note: So yeah, when the duke appears be aware of crude language, flirty banter and sexual innuendos. I'll be writing as much as i can because on the 2nd of September school starts for me.

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