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"But seriously, they are dating?? The prince and a simpleton?" Remus asked curious.

Logan nodded, "Yes indeed, Roman has liked him for years and only this year they got together."

"But why?? I bet he could snatch up not just any clown but someone with a crown." Still confused as to why a simple guy like Patton was loved by the eccentric prince.

He sighed, "I honestly don't know...they have been childhood friends. Patton always helped him and took care of him when he was hurt, but from what I remember Roman always talked about him." Logan had a tint of sadness in his voice, Virgil heard it and wanted to know what was upsetting him.

"Huh well okay! Good for him!" Jealousy was in Remuses reply, he didn't like Patton before no. The reason why, because his brother had the lover he wanted but he didn't.

Virgil was feeling a little uncomfourtable, the mood was damp. "SO, did you need something duke?"

He perked his head up, "No not really, I just wanted to see my favourite handsome emo!"

Logan just rolled his eyes, then an idea popped into Virgils head, "You guys want to read a fairytale with me?" The two of them looked at him, Remuses eyes lit up like candles. Logan was intrested yet not sure if he wanted to read with the duke. But what choice did he have? None that was the answer.

And so the boys nodded, Virgil smiled lightly, "Alright let me go get the book." As Virgil left, sitting there were the supposed enemies, though only Logan thought of them as that.

He was staring at him with anger, and despise. Remus all of a sudden says, "You look hot when angry." And winked at him flirtatiously.

"And you are a lustful idiot." Logan imideatly retorted, he was a bit taken back, but he wasnt taking any of his bullshit. But the duke just laughed at his reply. Virgil came in with a book.

Remus looked at the book, "Is it the story where there are half fish half human people? And royalty?" The advisor looked at him confused, Virgil just chuckled lightly.

"Yes Duke it is, but it's different from the one we read about."

Remus pouted, "BUT I liked that story!"

Logan was still sitting there thinking, Fish people? What?

But nonetheless Virgil seated himself between Remus and Logan with book in hand, "Since Logan hasnt read this I will explain the summary, it's about mermaids but yeah they are kinda like half human half fish people except that they are pretty,

How can fish people be pretty? I only imagine them having green dead looking skin and with bulging dead eyes. Logan thought to himself

And there were six sisters I think, and there was the youngest Ariel, she goes up from the water and has this first love at sight with a human, and that's all im telling you."

Remus clapped his hands, "Wonderful summary hot boi! And this sounds pretty similar, I don't mind if we are rereading!"

Logan rolled his eyes then looked at Virgil, piercing black sparkling eyes that look like the night sky, rosy cheeks but with only cracks, sharp jawline, and pink lips....Damn it.

He looked away with pink tinting his cheeks, Remus laughed, "Seems like he agrees with me! I'm glad!"

Virgil sighed, "Alright whatever, let's get reading."

On the cover there was a mermaid peeking up from water, and looking at a very attractive human man. Virgil opened the book and started reading to them,

This is the part where you start to skip if you dont need recap of the little mermaid.

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