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Warning this chapter involves murder, death, paranormal, angst but there will be fluff. If any of this will trigger you I suggest not reading this chapter, I will give a brief description of what happend in my notes at the end to not get confused in next chapters.


          Janus, was trailing through the village Salem, Massachusettes because of the stories of witchcraft, and the fact that his sister lived there.

As he was walking through the village he heard a riot and screaming in the distance and saw lit up torches. He had a bad feeling about this, at the time he had a hat to cast shadow over his face, when he got closer to the riot he tapped a woman on the shoulder, "Excuse me Miss, may I ask what is this riot about?"

She looked at him and said, "Going after the last witch!"

"Whom may that be?" He asked curiously,

"Oh haven't you heard? It's the snake face woman! You probably don't live here, the womans name is Hattie Damman." She said in a disgusted tone, there was hatred.

Janus blood ran cold,
Clod of wayward marl...
It was his sister. He tried to push through the people, but nothing budged. Her face had been found out and mistaken for a witch, people can't even notice the real ones. She had so much life to live, unlike these mere human years.

Then he saw people dragging Hattie out of her house, she had rope tied on her hands. As the men were walking her, Hattie saw her brother, she smiled her one last smile at him. His precious sisters smile...

Janus pulled his hat infront of his face, he felt utterly numb, who could've thought? That after years people would know about witches, and think they are possesed by the devil...just when he was about to see his sister.

As she was getting dragged away to the firewood the people were moving with their lit torches. Janus couldn't do anything, if he talked and sounded vulnerable he might as well get thrown into the fire as well. His parents wouldnt be happy of loosing both of their kids.

He would've given himself up if it wasn't for the fact that his sister would'nt want to him die to die because of her and feel guilt when she died alongside her brother. Janus will live...for both her and him.

The crowd moved and so did Janus, but slowly until they made it, and Hattie alongside some other woman were tied to a tree surrounded by firewood. He couldn't watch or hear his sisters screams of agony, so he looked at her and made eye contact she smiled gently. And he guided himself through the crowd as the people yelled, "BURN THY WICKED WITCHES!"

As the people threw their torches, screams can be heard in the distance, but he heard a specific terried scream and Janus knew who it belonged to and so he speed walked far enough away from the people until they couldn't notice him and ran for it.

Passing trees until he came upon an abondoned building, and sat down in front of it. He was huffing and puffing, as warm salty tears ran down his cheeks as the left side of his face turned into scales along his eyes into that of a snakes.

Janus cried, for a while not wanting to see anyone or any living being. He wanted to be alone and not look like a fool infront of others. He just lost his most precious gem his sister, Hattie was optimistic, bright, cheerful with the most dazzling smile who could light up a rainy day. But no the heathens thought she was a witch...

Witches themselves are not evil by any means, yes some can and will be evil but not all of them. And they are certainly not possesed by the devil, witches can be more kinder than humans. Sometimes witchcraft gan go wrong yes and yes witches can cast curses but most of the time it's only because it's to teach the person a lesson of what wrong have they done.

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