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           It was the next week, and it was finally time to meet Patton and Roman. Because both of them really didn't have any idea about Logan. They just knew that he was with Virgil, that was it.

Logan was in his room, putting on his dress shirt and some pants. He let his bangs fall to the side, as he usually did now and put on his black rimmed glasses but he also put a ring that Virgil gave him, inside of it was a deep violet flower, the ring itself was grey.

He adored the ring, then Logan smiled a bit remembering Virgil picking this flower for him, when he saw Logan looking at it.

Virgil was already downstairs, he was more over just putting some things in his bag and waiting for Logan.

He walked downstairs when he was ready, when he was infront of Virgil he asked "You ready to leave?" Virgil nodded,
Virgil then took Logans hand in his then he pulled up his hood but Logan pulled that down imideatly, "I informed Roman that we are coming, we will be going through the forest to Pattons cottage. Besides why hide someone so beautiful?"

Virgil was now the one blushing, he just cleared his throat, "W-whatever.." And walked out with Logan, he still wasn't so confident but that line coming from Logan was sonething huge from him.

They were walking through the forest, holding hands, sun shining. Everything was nice, though whenever Virgil saw a pretty flower he wanted to put it behind Logan's ear but decided not to.

Finally they arrived to the cottage where Patton works, Logan was nervous so he breathed in and out deeply, his crush looked at him and held his hand a bit tighter and said "Everything will be alright, okay?"

It was hard to believe but he had to, "Okay.." Then let go of Virgils hand, no matter how much he didn't want to let go of that secure feeling and knocked.

Soon enough Patton opened the door, once he saw who it was, he gasped in happiness and yelled "ROMAN!!"

Roman came to see what it was then he saw them, he looked at Logan, no longer huge dark circles under his eyes, the despair in his face, body looking fuller.

He started crying and leaped in for a hug. He held Logan tight and cried in his shoulder. The prince hasn't seen his best friend for a week, with no information as to how he is, what happend, why was he looking so sad all those times.

Logan didn't know how to process this, it was a big hug from Roman and very emotional but he hugged him back gently and rubbed his back since he did miss Roman, after all it was his best friend since forever.

At some point Roman pulled back finally, with a runy nose and red cheeks, "Nerd, teach, Logan what happend?" He managed to stutter out with a runny nose.

Logan chuckled and wiped Romans tears, "Calm down my emotional prince. Let's go inside first." He said in a fond tone to his voice.

He nodded and basically dragged him inside, Virgil looked at Patton and smiled awkwardly "Hey."

"Hi! Shall we go inside Virge?"

Virgil nodded and went inside with Patton.

They havent seen eachother for a while either, but these two are very good friends since Virgil didn't talk to Logan all that time he went to Patton.

When all of them were inside, Roman basically clung to Logan as his life line. Normally Logan would pry him off, but for this one time he will allow it.

Logan looked at all of them, and one last glance to Virgil for reassurance, Virgil nodded comfortingly at him.

He breathed in and out deeply, "Hello to all of you, Virgil, Patton and you Roman. I should probably begin explaining, first of all I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly..I have been feeling very..my apologies I don't know how to put it in words.

But let's say the things I felt weren't good, or just didn't feel at all. At Emile Picanis office I got diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Thing's will get better, I will tell you all eventually my thought's and emotion's of whats been happening. I'm sorry I can't tell more..."

Logan looked down ashamed, he wanted to tell them every single thing but couldn't, he wasnt ready for it. For now, he will just tell them the diagnosis.

Roman looked at him, now slowly prying off of him and stroking his shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay Logan, everything will be okay, we are here for you. I'll wait however long it takes, even if it's the day that mr shakespear comes back alive himself!"

He managed to look at him and gave him a weak smile, then he looked at Patton and to his suprise Patton had tears in his eyes and strongly holding back from going up to Logan and hug him. After all they have known eachother just as long Roman and Logan have.

Even if Logan still holds grudges, but in hard honesty Patton did nothing wrong. So he sighed and said, "Get over here."

Patton imideatly got up and hugged him timidly, whispering "..I'm really sorry Lo, please let me be your friend again."

That line struck Logan in the heart, he hugged him back tightly. All this time Patton knew Logan didn't really like him, and avoided topics. Tears shed from his eyes, "Patton, it will be okay. We will be friends again." He whispered back to him.

Everything was very emotional, Roman clinging to Logans arm, Patton hugging him. Virgil just sat there for a while, letting the trio have their moment until Logan looked at him fondly smiling, mouthing 'Thank you."

Virgil smiled at him, but Roman looked at him and said "Get in on this hug you dark knight!"

He said dramatically, his eyes were red and nose drippy but he was smiling now.

Virgil stood awkwardly a bit, Patton said "What are you waiting for? You are our family."

With that sentance he finally went over to hug them.

"I missed this." Roman commented, all of them did. It was a first time in a while since they were all together like this.

The others nodded to Romans comment, they felt content.

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