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Words: 1884

     Logan woke up shivering and breathing heavily, he had a nightmare it was the incident but instead of Virgil living he died.

He breathed in and out until his breath steadied. Then he only realized who he dreamed about, Feelings are weird, then again Virgil is weird. So this is what love feels like? Thinking and worrying constantly about him?

Then he heard someone walk in. He looked up and it is none other than the person he dreamt about, Logan sighed of relief altough logically he knew Virgil was fine and well but images don't go away that easily.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Virgil asked,

"I'm adequate, thank you for asking. How are you Virgil?" Logan lied, so as to not worry Virgil.

"Good, I just had a theraphy session with doctor Emile. I found out something..." He said catiously, he was nervous about telling Logan he had a mental disorder.

"Good, hes a nice doctor. And what is it?" Logan was a bit nervous to hear what Virgil had to say.

"Well...I have PTSD, in full it's called post traumatic stress disorder. It seems that after everything that I had in the past, I developed a disorder." He said weakly he wasn't proud to have a disorder, I mean who enjoys having a mental disorder anyways?

Logan got up from his bed, and looked Virgil straight in the eyes, "It's good we know how we can help you now. Even though I don't know what you had dealt with but I will be here, we will be here to help you through it, and you're not weak for having it not in any sense of way."

Virgil smiled lightly at Logan, he always knows how to make things better. When Logan was around, he couldn't help but smile, even though smiling is unordinary for him.

Touching from both sides is unordinary, but they are like magnets. It was impossible to look at those two and think they arent dating.
"Thank you starboy, that made me feel better." He said gently, Logans cheeks tinted pink this was the second time he has called him that.

"Uhm you're welcome, I didn't say anything with much impact but I'm glad you feel better." He said awkwardly, his heartbeat escalated from seeing Virgil look so grateful just for Logan being here.

"Oh hush it had impact on me. Anyways I feel ready to go home, so I will be going. Bye Lo." Virgil saluted and turned around to leave then,

"Wait! Uhm apologies, but may I accompany you, till you make it to your destination?" He rushed his words as to not lose Virgil, he wanted to spend as much time with him as he could.

Virgil turned his head, "It's fine and yes you can." Logan walked next to him, and they began walking out the castle. Before they left, Virgil grabbed his cloak and put it on.

Then they walked out, "Hey Logan boo, looking good, how are things now?" Remy commented, Logan sighed at his antics, "No need for compliments Sir Remington, and I am better but no need for your concerns."

"Awwh boo, why you so mean? Hows the dood next to ya?" Remy whined,

"You can just ask me and I'm okay. By the way, don't call Logan like that he dosen't like it." Virgil replied a lil protectively,

"Woah hun, you his boyfriend or something?" Remy said jokingly but both of the boys cheeks tinted,

"Remington enough, no we arent significant others. Virgilius is right don't call me names I don't like. We will be going, good day sir." Logan stormed off with Virgil,

"LOGAN IT'S OKAY TO ADMIT IT!" Remy yelled in the distance, Logan groaned he couldnt stand that guard, too 'extra' for him to stand.

Both of them said nothing but kept walking onward, then they were near the village. Virgil tensed up, Logan put his hand on Virgils shoulder, "It's okay, everythings going to be okay."

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