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And that they did, they sat down at a bench.

"Virgilius how did this all start?"
"When people started to be afraid of me?"
Virgil sighed. "It started when my boyfriend broke up with me. I didnt go out the house for days, but when I did I got weird and horrified looks from people, sure I know I must've looked like a wreck but I didn't expect that reaction."

Logan nodded. "Intresting, was there anything in particular after you split up with your significant other?"

Virgil looked down at his legs and started to shiver. "Uhm yes b-but why do you want to know anyways?"

"Because, we heard from the villagers that we needed to do something about the situation of qoute on qoute 'Childrem being scared of the beast' So we went here to get information."
"O-okay I guess. I don't trust you with my personal life. But uhm I can talk."
Logans lips turned slightly upwards. "That will be satisfactory. Virgilius do you know when do the children come here?" Virgil shivered. "Yes, at 3pm."
Logan got up and looked at Roman. "Alright my job is done here for now. Goodbye Virgilius. We will take our leave."

Roman and Logan started walking. "That wasn't what I expected. I expected some hairy uncontrollable beast!" Logan nodded to that. It is peculiur, the children may be over reacting. This seems like those fairytales Roman speaks about on and on. The trauma inflicted him pain but that dosen't explain his appear-

"Heeeey Logan, nerd you there?" Logan got snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes your highness?". Roman had that look in his eyes. "What do you think? Will this be a fairytale of a cursed boy whose love comes to break the curse and live happily ever after?!"

Curse. Huh intresring. "Oh your highness you know those are only fairytales. There are infinite possibilities in this biosphere of what may this be." Roman smirked, "Who knows nerd maybe that will be you!"
Logan scoffed "Preposterous! I don't get involved with feelings. And what did I tell you about calling me nerd?" Roman nudged at his  shoulder and smiled "Whatever nerd."

They walked till they got to the castle. Logan got into his room and sat down. Alright,
Romans prosposition is ridiculous so I will ignore that. Virgilius is an intresting being, his appearence is unique. But why would people fear him? It doesn't make sense, then I'll do it the hard way. Tomorrow I'll go at precisely 3pm and hide undercover and watch the situation.

"NEEEEERD!" Logan got startled, he was irritated by the obnoxious prince. "What is it your highness." He said with annoyance in his voice, "Oh cmon Lo! I just wanted to say it's time for dinner." As Roman said that he got up. "Thank you for telling me. Let's go then." Roman smiled. Even as they sat and ate at the tabel Logan still couldn't get Virgilius out of his mind. Even when he went to bed he thought of him.

Logan completed his daily duties the next day. Now it was time to head out to check the Virgilius case. He had worn his clothes that were considered villager. Black button up vest shirt, black pants and black dress shoes and obviosly his tie. He didn't wear his glasses and hair messy so that he wouldn't be noticed. Still to this day is confused how people don't recongnize him with minor changes.

Logan headed out, he had gone unnoticed by anyone. He blended in. As he was walking to the forest he could hear laughing from Virgilius place, he started to walk faster. Logan made it to the location and hid behind a tree.

Then he saw it teenagers almost adults laughing at Virgilius. Kicking him, pulling his hair. He heard, "You pathetic old beast!"
"Oh what are you going to do?"
"Keep crying you little shit!" The last line made his blood boil, "You dont deserve to be alive!"

He couldn't stand this behaviour any longer, he stood out of hiding. "You don't have the right to insult this individual! How would you like it if someone was harassing you? I'm sure you wouldn't be laughing from joy. I'm being very clear, leave now."

The teens laughed, "Or what?" Logan breathed in heavily, and showed his badge ingraved in gold to show that that he is associated with the royal family "I am Logan Gnosis, a part of the royal family, protector and advisor, we can talk in the courtroom." Only then they shut up and ran away.

Logan sighed, Those brats, I knew that Virgilius wasn't the culprit of this situation. He walked over to the trembling wide eyed Virgil, knelt down and patted his shoulder "Salutations Virgilius, I'm not very good at comforing but the things those people said aren't true. Even from our minutes of talking I know that you aren't a bad individual."

Virgil started to sob. Logan didn't know what to do but from what he was told by the prince physical touch can help a person. So he did just that, he hugged Virgil tight to his chest and held him close. Logan stroked his back and whispered comforting words "It's alright now, you are safe with me."

They stayed like that for awhile. Virgil started to calm down, he looked up at Logan "Thank you. Thank you so much Lo." From unlikely decisions Logan smiled at his nickname from Virgil. Logan stroked his cheek, "No need to have gratitude. I was simply helping, altough I admit what they did was horrendous." Virgil gave him a small smile to express how thankful he was, Logan smiled back "Let's get up and go inside if thats what you prefer." Virgil nodded.

They got up and went inside of Virgils house. Logan saw alot of things, paitings, decorative flowers in bundels. Even though it was dark, to Logan Virgil shined the brightest. They sat down at the couch.

"So Virgiliu-  "No. Call me Virgil, after this no need for my full name." Logan hummed "Alright Virgil, my plan of action is to inform the villagers and access the matters at hand. I will take care of this alright?" Virgil froze "W-what will you tell them?" Logan sighed "Nothing to worry about, but it's to adress how you are as a being and to insist to not come in your proximity." Virgil just nodded in apprehensive approval. Logan knew what he had to do.

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