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The forest seemed daunting but it is very pretty to see when the sun is shining.

It was a sunny day. Logan was getting ready for some fresh air altough he truly felt like he should be doing something productive.

He changed his shoes so that it would cover his feet fully. He took a bag with him.

"Logan you ready?" Virgil called from the kitchen/living room.

"I'm coming." and so he got up.

When he walked out into the kitchen he saw Virgil standing there with a tshirt and some black jeans. At first he didn't notice but now he did, the cracks, there weren't much but they still were there as emotional scars, then there were the real scars from the incident long ago, but they were hardly noticeable.

"Do you feel them appear?" Logan asked out of curiosity and worry. Because what if they hurt?

Virgil looked at his arms, "I shiver when one apprars but It doesn't hurt. Ready to go outside?"

"The place where you never go to?" Logan inclined.

Virgil smirked and looked away, "Oh shut up, let's go Lo." And started to walk out the door into the wilderness he was familiar with. He wasn't going to lead them through the path where he ran to once.

Logan followed him outside. There were all sorts of trees outside, everything was so nice. It was fresh air, the sun shining through. Photos would look so nice to take of this forest.

But as they walked they didn't talk, more like they didn't need to. Logan was just observing everything, he didn't get to go to forests often since there was no need.

Logan wasn't looking where he was going, too intruiged by everything, he stumbled on a big branch and was falling but Virgil was already turned around and caught him, Logan's face was in Virgils chest. His heart raced, his face was turning in a strawberry shade of red.

He pulled himself up and off, "Thank you Virgil.." he said shyly but if it was anybody else they wouldn't have noticed how timid he became.

Virgil just smiled a little bit at him, "You are welcome Logan. Let's keep going?" He hummed in agreement.

They went forward, there were all sorts of things around them. Berries, ocassional mushrooms, but there were loads of branches so Logan was careful not to trip again and actually fall.

For the most part they were pretty silent, with Virgil ocassionaly humming a tune. Since they haven't seen eachother for a month Logan was wondering how Virgil was feeling after such a long time.



"How have you been feeling as of late?"

He sighed, "Not good, but not exactly bad. Just been worrying about you a lot, and wondering about the last sentance you said to me. But just feeling anxious that's all, but were you okay? Were you actually okay?"

Logan flinched, he didn't want to admit that he was feeling terrible. Altough Virgil probably already knew the answer.


He looked at Virgil, "Yeah, I was okay." Lying is now his best friend appearently, he really just didn't like admitting it to someone. It's better to stay quiet and not trouble anyone, well that is what Logan thinks not Virgil though.

Virgil grabbed him by his shoulders so Logan could look straight into his eyes. It was so sudden that he almost wanted to just run, but he didn't.

"Logan, I will repeat it again. Were you okay?" He could detect a lie from anywhere

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