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Words: 718

"What do you mean?" Patton said with a waver to his voice.

"I mean that Virgil one day was outright upset about how he looked. At first he explained that you both took him to a cave place. And he looked into a mirror that shows the truth. From what I've heard, Roman suggested that Virgil has the curse. And I want to know why." Logan finished with a serious face.

The prince laughed nervously, "Well nerd, I mean Logan. Think about it, the first time Virgil saw how he looked was in the well, after his boyfriend broke up with him. I don't know why would he get a curse, but maybe a broken heart? Plus the man who deals with curses told it himself that Virgil had one!"

Logan sighed, he was irritable today. Meanwhile Virgil flinched at the false information, boyfriend broke up with him. One day he will tell the truth.

"Alright enough, I would like to know who this man of curses is. One day I would like you to lead me to him. Even though our scheduel is packed, I don't mind going at night for once." It was frustrating to hear nonesense, but alass not all things are falsehoods.

Roman placed his head on Pattons shoulder and smirked, "Say my nerdy advisor, why do you want to help so much anyways? Are you perhaps in love?"

"SHUT IT!" Logan yelled unexpectedly with fury all the while with a straight face.

Fury came out of nowhere as if to say that he doesn't feel love at all or scared to say that he does feel it.

Silence came, Virgil looked like he broke in pieces. Then Logan realized what he had done. Roman looked shocked, Patton even more so he hadnt seen Logan like that.

"I apologize for my outburst. It's irrational to be like this. But please Roman don't mention the topic love infront of me." Then Logan looked at Virgil who just seemed so broken. He hated that look, hated seeing Virgil so sad.

The starboy walked over to him and took Virgils hand. "I'm sorry Virgil for lashing out. I didn't mean to upset you."

Even with a look of sadness Virgil was himself. It stung but wouldn't say it.

"Now you shut it." And just like that Virgil pulled him into a hug. He pretended like it didn't hurt, to think that Logan doesn't feel the same way. But just having him here to hug and hear his heartbeat is good enough.

Logan sighed and held Virgil close. He set his chin on top of Virgil's head he could smell the scent of him, it was like a calm day with warmth. That scent relaxed him, cooled off his nerves. He wouldn't admit that hes in love, he couldn't knowing that love breaks him eventually.

The couple looked at them, Roman sighed relieved, "Darling, how long do you think it will take for them to get together?"

Patton was nuzzled in Romans chest, "It will take time. Before relationships you should take care of yourself first, both of them have to do that. But they are a slow burn love like in a book." Patton said with a soft voice.

"Oh my darling you are so wonderful! But I agree it's going to be slow burn. Just like ourselves huh?" Roman kissed Pattons cheek.

He giggled, "That tickles!"

Virgil lifted off his head from Logans chest and pulled away from the hug then he noticed Patton and Roman kissing, "WOW! Are you guys dating? Am I going to be officialy the third wheel with you?"

They both laughed, "Why of course emo nightmare! We are indeed together and very happy. And cmon we are going to include you in conversations without me kissing my darling all the time!"

Virgil snorted, the hurting near his heart stopped. "I doubt that princey. But I'm happy for you, it was about time. You always gave eachother glances that made me want to puke."

Princey noises can be heard, "How dare you!"

Logan just litsened he has said enough for the day, he can discuss plans later about the curse man. Seeing his friends joking and talking made him relax. Even with all the nonesense and eccentrics he enjoyed their company anyways.

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