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Warnings: I'm evil.
Words: 1324

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry Virgil." Logan said so scared and ashamed for wanting to have this love.

When Virgil tried to reach out for him, he backed away, "I-I will go, don't worry about me...I'll be fine."

And with that speedwalked away from Virgil, grabbed his bag and exited out and just wiped his face, walked to the castle in the most calm way possible. The lie he told was bitterwseet.

Emotions were soaring through his body, he didn't realize how toxic he was being to himself by doing this, day by day Logan was getting worse and this was just the cherry on top to convince himself, Love is not needed, only my work will make me happy.

Even though, he didn't even hear Virgil's reply, Logan already decided that it was enough, he had enough of emotions.

Once he made it to the castle and entered, Roman came to him and smiled worried, "Hey Lo-"

He brushed him off, "I apologize my prince, but I have work to do."

"But Logan!"

He walked past him up to his room to finish his crying for once, Roman wanted to run after him but he couldn't do it, for some reason his mind was telling him to leave it be for now.

As Logan made it to his room, he layed down on his bed and sighed, he knew what he was going to do was toxic and very unhealthy, but It's his coping mechanism. Working. Tears slipped down his face, he stayed silent and let them flow down his face.

Once that was done, he got up and washed his face. Now heading to the library to do some work, first there were papers from other kingdoms to be handled with.

Most of them were, marriage proposals for Roman, he sighed,
Roman wouldn't give up Patton this easily or willingly, but the kingdom needed an alliance of some sort for when he becomes king.

He concluded that this will be needed to be adressed to the current king, but for now he will look at the possibilities and most efficient kingdom's deal.

And that's how Logan continued his day. Teaching new swordsmen how to use the sword, looking through paperns, practicing his dancing skill.

Once evening came to eat, everyone was called, but when Roman sat down he noticed that Logan didn't come. That was a first, Logan always came to eat, because he always said how health is important and necessery to do good work.

When he was finished eating, Roman came to Logans room and walked into his room, he was too worried to think about knocking. He saw him just reading a book, and looked up at Roman.

"What's the matter prince? Couldn't knock?"

Roman looked at him with frustration, "What's the matter? WHAT'S THE MATTER? You just brushed me off comepletely today, you worked all day, and didn't come to eat! You always come to eat."

Logan looked at him with a blank expression, "I apologize for worrying you, that was not my intention. But I just didn't want to come eat, is that so wrong?"

"Did something happen with you and Virgil?"

His eyes flickered with sadness but hid it straight after, "No, nothing happend. Everything is fine." He lied,

Roman was suspicious, alot of times he couldn't tell if Logan was ever faking something or being for real. Even knowing him for years, Logan was an emotionless emotional.

"Would you like a hug?" He asked out of nowhere, it's what Logan did for him when he was sad.

But he shook his head, "No thank you prince. There is no need for physical touch."

Roman walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Know I'll be here for you Logan, remember that." And walked away.

When he was gone, Logan sighed his heart ached, and stomach grumbled but ignored it.

Once it was midnight he sneaked out the castle with his coat on, and headed to one place where he and his mother went to.

The white tulip feild, it was stunning at night with stars and it was that night, the sky was filled with stars.

Logan sat down and sighed, "It's over isn't it? I have fucked up, mother I apologize for my behaviour. I will try to become the man you wanted me to be from now on, hardworking and succesful. Tu me manques."

He stared at the night sky looking at constellations, remembering the times with Virgil, a few tears slipped down his face but took a deep breath and sighed.

The man was tearing himself apart, slowly. Depression had been aching in him for years, but It's been unnoticed by him or anyone. He didn't want to admit anything, or the fact that he eats smaller portions day by day. With Virgil by his side, it made everything bareable, just having someone who truly cares for you around is enough.

And now that he had lost it, or so he thinks. He feel's emotionless, logically this shouldn't have affected him this much but after experiences it hit hard. Everything builds up slowly until you fall apart gently or roughly. The emotions don't go away easily.

Next day, Logan ignored almost everyone. Or in short, replied shortly. He thought social intereactions would just make thing's worse, Roman was worried and tried to get him to open up about things, but he brushed it off saying hes fine, as he always would.

No need to worry the crown prince, even though that made Roman worry even more. But Patton was there to help and give advice to him.

Then there was Remington, he was laying off of snarky remarks but still asked, "You good babe?"

But all he could reply with was, "Sorry, I don't speak to garbage."

He was being toxic to others but more over to himself without realizing it. He just wished he couldn't feel romantic love or any kind of emotion just to not feel pain and anguish.

Logan was laying in bed and thought back to when he first met Virgil, a crying Virgil who looked so broken. And now hes snarky, acerbic and a bit confident. And it all started with Logan,

I guess I did do something right.

Tears streaked down his cheeks.


It has been week's since then, Logan came to eat less and less. His jawline has become more sharper, skin paler. Working himself to the bone. Spending nights reading, because he couldn't sleep.

On mutiple occasions Roman has tried to help him, but he didn't allow it. Even Patton tried to help but didn't work out.

Virgil has been feeling awful, he wanted to believe Logans words, Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

But he couldn't, one day Roman came to him really sad, saying how Logan isn't eating anymore, and just looking so dead in the eyes with no sign of happiness, he barely laughed no barely smiled anymore.

Once Virgil found out the description, Dead look in his eyes, pale skin, sharp edges, no sign of happiness. He knew Logan wasn't fine, and needed help, Virgil went to Janus and Remus that was the first stop, what happend on that day.

Virgil walked his way to the cave and entered the cave, and he saw Remus kissing Janus. He sighed, and coughed and now they looked up, once Remus saw that it was Virgil he imideatly got up and smiled,

"MY DEAR EMO! It's been a long time, what brings you here?" Remus asked cheerfully,

"I need an explenation of that day."

"Didn't Logan explain to you?"

He breathed in sharply, "No, I haven't seen him since that day. I need help from you."

So here it is, I will be honest that coming up with this chapter was a challenge, but got through it I really hope you enjoy.

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