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Words: 1098

Everything was going normal for the boys. Logan discussed with the king about time and he can see Virgil daily for one hour at 3pm.

Roman and Patton were lovey dovey, and couldn't stop muttering sweet nothings to each other for a while.

Logan took notice of prince Romans dream like state. He had a skip to his walk and humming a tune. Didn't bother to pay attention to lessons but even when he got scolded he still smiled. And figuratively looked star strucked.

Before he went to see Virgil, he had a lesson with Roman and decided to ask him why was he, like he was as of late.

Roman was writting down things Logan said but stopped when he asked, "Prince Roman, would you mind informing about your recent behaviour?"

He gulped, was he that obvious? Simple answer yes, he litteraly looks like hes on cloud nine half of the time.

"What behavior, my smartest advisor Logan Gnosis?" Roman tried sugarcoating it, but of course even a fool would know that doesn't work on Logan.

"You know what I mean Prince Roman Victor Gallileo. You've been acting more dreamy than usual. You have been humming more, you don't pay attention to what I say. Roman you frustrate me to no end, so inform me what has happend as of late?"

Roman looked at Logan in disbelief, "You find me attractive?"

You have no emotion or feel attraction, having those things only gets in the way of success.
An intruisive thought whispered.

Logan sighed heavily, with a straight face and hidden emotion yet said very intimidatingly, "No you baffoon. You give me headaches 5 times a day. What made you think that?"

Roman shivered on the inside, when Logans mad hes scary. But our prince just decides to joke around, "You said I'm more dreamy than usual! That means you are saying that I'm more attractive than usual!"

"You are clearly using the wrong vocabulary. I meant dreamy as in the state of mind, being in a diffrent world and not caring about your surroundings. Explain now."

Roman gulped, Logan was set on knowing the reason and hes not letting it go until said. He gave up and faced the facts, "Okay, okay fine! So I am in fact in love with my darling Patton Foster. But not only I'm in love, but hes my boyfriend. My one and only! My little sweet adorable-"

From the palace duties stress is enough for Logan but also adding Romans unusual behavior and teaching him at the same time adds the cherry on top.

"Okay that's enough. Let me get this right, your behaviour is all because you gained a significant other? Is this the reason why you don't pay attention in class? Not litsen to what I have to say?And bumping into palace staff because you aren't looking? And it's none other than Patton. Roman I'm frustrated, I'm going to go and wash up my face." Logan left just like that,

The prince felt guilt, even though it was only feelings, he understood why Logan chooses to ignore feelings at all costs. But it's not necessarily good to lash out at people for feeling the way they do. Roman always saw how Logan was trying to hide everything he felt, he sighed to himself.

Maybe he should be the one to see Emile too...

Logan stormed off to the wash room. Once he got in, he splashed water in his face and sighed.

Love makes us break remember that.

He readjusted his tie, and breathed. Then he went to his room to get belongings, like some books to give to Virgil.

Then he exited the room and went out the palace. As he passed through he greeted, people always said hes expressionless but intellegent. Logan could agree with that. His parents raised him to be like that.

As he was passing through places, he noticed a purple flower. He hated to admit that the princes suggestions worked. For making people happy giving gifts, comforting words.

Logan picked up the flower, it would be a nice gift for Virgil. Purple seemed to be the only colour he liked other than monochrome colours.

Virgil was special in his own way, he could stare into his black eyes and get lost in them. Make him happy, feel things and tell him it's okay.

Speaking about Virgil he got to his doorstep but he heard a voice other than Virgil's inside. His protectiveness kicked in and went inside the house.

Then he saw Doctor Emile Picani and Virgil on the couch. They were having a conversation but stopped once Logan walked in.

"Oh my apologies doctor and you Virgilius. I got worried and went inside without knocking." Logan said calmly and bowed a bit in respect to show how sorry he was.

Emile just smiled, "It's okay Gnosis, I understand. I was working through emotions with Virgil that's all. We were about to finish up anyways. "

The boy next to Emile nodded.

"Hey doc, can we finish it here for the day?"

He looked at Virgil and patted his shoulder, "We sure can. Okay that will be all. Have fun you two. Goodbye Virgilius, and you Gnosis."

Logan and Virgil waved at him. Once he left Logan cleared his throat and held out the flower, "I found this blossom on my way here. And I thought it would be nice if you could have it. "

Virgil just sighed pleasantly, but took the flower, "I appreciate it, but you do know it isn't necessary to get me gifts. No need to go through so much trouble for just me."

"I want to give you gift's, see it as my way for having gratitude for you." Logan said in a matter of factly way.

Virgil just snorted, "Jeez L no need for it really. Just you being around is enough for me to be grateful."

Logan loved it when Virgil snorts and just laughs in general, then he noticed it the cracks are disappearing. Some of the cracks that were on his face werent there anymore.

When there was silence for a while, Virgil grew suspicious, "Hey Logan, is something...wrong?"

Logan smiled, "Virgil. Some of your cracks in your face are gone."

"Wait really?" He said suprised,

"I wouldn't lie to you about that Virgil."

Then Virgil smiled back, "Well to be honest after talking with Emile I do feel lighter. And knowing I have your guys support is unreal."

Logan walked over, and sat down next to him.

"I'm glad."

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