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Warning: Mention of self harm. Talking about past experiences.

The week went normally as it could. Every morning Virgil encouraged Logan to eat atleast something.

At nights Virgil sometimes woke up at 1AM and saw Logan just staring off into nothing. Those nights he would just walk over and sit next to him putting an arm around Logans shoulder until he put his head on Virgils shoulder and fell back asleep.

In the days they mostly read together, Logan even started writing about emotions and expressing them in a creative way by writing stories.

When Emile checked on the boys for their mental state and how Logan was doing. He was pretty happy, things can't change drastically but atleast both of them could smile.

It was sunday at the moment, and Virgil had a plan for today. He didn't tell Logan about one room hidden behind a book case. Virgil didn't go to that room and hid it for reasons but hes ready to show Logan.

Logan woke up around 9AM. It was a normal time for him to wake up now, it used to be around 5AM. He could already smell Virgil's cooking.

He got up and got ready for the day. When he walked downstairs, he had a black dress shirt on with some pants. For him it was comfortable to wear dress shirts, mainly it was sweaters but today he went with something different.

As he walked down and got to the table food was already there with coffee.

"Morning Lo." Virgil said, he sat down at the table and drank coffee.

Logan smiled gently, "Good morning Virgil."

Virgil loved it when Logan smiled even just a bit so his cheeks dusted a pink shade.

"Thank you for the food and coffee." He expressed his gratitude.

"I-It's no problem. What would you like to eat?" There were certain things Logan would pick and eat.

He looked at the food, Logan picked out mangos obviously, picked out some toast with strawberries. The other things he left out but there wasn't all that much.

Virgil nodded, and they ate in silence. Until Virgil asked a question, "Hey, uh would you feel okay seeing Patton and Roman?" After all they were their friends and Patton was worried.

"Sometime yeah, I wouldn't mind coming as long as you are with me.." he said with a monotone voice but at the end it got quieter.
Virgils heart melted at those words, he put a hand over his and said to him with confident words, "I will be there with you."

His face was flushed, but he nodded. They still haven't said anything about the I love yous the day where they finally saw eachother. But both of them need time to get better, before dating you need to be in a good mental state, otherwise you can hurt the other person by being around them.

"Would you like to just sit on the couch and talk about what kind of stories could there be, after that I paint and you write?" Virgil asked.

Logan was pleased with that, after they finished eating and cleaning they sat down at the couch.

"What stories do you have in mind now?" Virgil was always eager to hear about what ideas he had.

"Well..I had this idea about demons..It's a weird one. But I have my theories, like how their eyes would change depending on how much power they were using. I would imagine that they are agile, and generally strong. Their sustenance would be human souls, they can do it either taking it forcefully or forming a contract."

"What about their abilities?"

"Oh, well body maipulation where they can twist body parts. Probably enhanced senses, maybe find humans aka their prey through smell-" and so Logan went on more over explaining his theories and what could demons possibly do.

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