Authors note. (Important)

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Hello dear readers, first of all I apologize for updating so rarely but I will explain why I don't update often.

Let's start from this, my creativity for the story has been sucked dry. I have no clue what I'm doing or should do. And I actually made this story on impulse.

From what I have learned is with a story, make a plan. Make a plan of the plot from beggining to end, and writing down some ideas as how to work things in. Otherwise things will be tough to figure out, but making things up as you go isn't bad just more difficult.

I haven't been able to continue due to the lack of insparation, ideas and a plan for the actual ending and plot.

I hope you understand, and I wouldn't mind constructive criticism, ideas or advice on what to do. It would actually be very appreciated.

I will continue the story till it's completed but it will take time.

And thank you so much for reading my story to 11.4K reads, you guys really make me happy. Because honestly your comments make my day.

For now, I'll think of ideas on what to continue for the story. And till then, I'll see you later.

I appreciate you guys, thank you and see you later!

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