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As they were walking, Virgil felt guilty and apprehensive to be at the castle that's meant for royalty.

"Virgil is there any belongings back home you want to take?" Logan asked.

Virgil nodded, and so they walked to his home first, Logan saw that Virgil was uncomfourtable so he asked, "Virgil is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh uhm no." Virgil lied about it he didn't want to upset Logan, then Logan sighed. "Alright Virgil." He didn't want to pressure him into telling something he didn't want to.

They continued talking until they made it to Virgils home and Virgil got all his belongings and put over his black cloak with the hood. Logan understood that he didn't want to be recongnized.

When they made it to the village, Virgil tried not to speed walk through it. Nervousness washing over him like his dark cloak. It felt bad to be surrounded by prying eyes, thank lord his body wasnt affected otherwise it would be too obvious.

Sweat rolled down Virgils forehead, as if he was going to get punished harshly but instead its just people looking at him.

Logan looked at him the entire time, his head wasnt turned at Virgil but his eyes sure were anlyzing of what's going through the anxious mind that is Virgilius Black.

It must be the worst of thoughts, perhaps the thought of villagers just knowing i'ts him made him sweat. Whatever the outcome, Logan wont let Virgil get hurt emotionally or physicallly.

"Hey Lo?" Virgil whispered, but stuttered along the way.

"Yes?" Logan whispered back

"Do you think they know?" He asked nervous of the answer to come.

"No, it's not obvious who you are, with your hood draped over your head. What you are experiencing are just cognitive distortions thats all. Remember I'm here." Logan said reassuringly at his unnerved best friend.

On the other hand Virgil was having a hard time believing that nobody knew. The best thing is if they don't know, second best they know but say nothing at all.

With his congnitive distortions while fidling with the tips of his cloak he managed to say, "Okay, thank you Logan." He just gave a barely noticeable smile to Virgil.

While passing through, people were whispering but it's mostly about Logan and the mysterious person.

They passed the whispering and made it to the castel gates.

"Hey Logan, who's the dude over there?" The guard asked at the castel gates.

"Hes Virgilius Black and I'll be seeing if he can stay with us. I know him so theres nothing to worry about Remington."

"Whatever you say gurl." Remy didn't fight about it, Logan looked like he hasnt got any sleep and so he opened the gates.

"Thank you Remy."

They entered the castel. Virgil looked up from the ground which he was keeping from nervousness. When he looked up he was in awe of everything.

From the complicated chandiliers, to fancy wallpaper, and the carpet that looked like it could sum up how much Virgils little house would cost. Everything was elegant and expensive.

There were painted cielings with beautiful patterns and adorned with a golden colour and red accents.

Then Roman walked in from a hallway. When he saw Virgil and Logan he walked over to them.

"Hey emo nightmare! And Lo! Uhm buddy ol pal nerd what's wrong? You look like you've been dead for a while. And what's Virgil doing here?" Roman asked confused yet worried.

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