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          As Remus left, Virgil looked at Logan, took a deep breath and said, "Hey starboy?"

This time around Virgil was getting a bit more confident in his actions, because it's been months since he realized he was attracted to Logan.


Virgil cleared his throat, and with a bit of a racing heart hurriedly asked, "Would you like to one day stay the night at my place?"

Logan dropped his book out of shock, and his cheeks flushed pink.

He got distracted looking at him, those lovely deep sea eyes Logan had, beautiful flushed cheeks, swept back hair, black rimmed glasses.
He looks...so cute..wait what. And soon Virgil realized in what kind of predicament he was in.

"I! uhm you don't have to agree, I know you are busy around castle. Doing duties and what not...I'M really sorry-

"Virgil." Then he looked at Logan who kept a straight face even if he did look like a tomato.

"It's fine. I would be happy to be at your place at night, I know you struggle to sleep still, I can help you. Is friday alright with you?" Logan asked calmly, but with a bit of a stutter.

He nods, this was one of the boldest things Virgil has ever done. And soon Logan had gone back to the palace, he was in his room and sighed. He was looking out of the window, a cool evening breeze brushing through his hair.

What am I supposed to do? You think a guy would learn...I don't want to experience this feeling again, he probably meant it in a friendly gesture and nothing else...right? Yeah, he probably likes Remus romantically.

He sighed sadly to himself, yes he loved and cared for Virgil dearly but he would rather sacrifice his happiness for him. The least he can do now is be his best friend, support him and help him in any way he can.

Then he heard a knock on the door, "Who is it?"

"It's your favourite prince!"

...ah Roman, I don't need his presence especially right now.

"What do you need?"

Even if he was outside his door, Logan could still hear him huffing, "What do I need? Nothing, you are just required to go to my father for the upcoming ball in a few months."

There was a little bit silence, he sighed, "I will be there, just give me a moment."

Roman was concerned, usually he would retort with a sly remark but now he just sounds sad, "Lo? Are you okay? Do you want to talk?"

"I'm alright. There is no reason for talking, but as said I'll be there soon just give me a moment."

He didn't want to leave, he heard sadness in Logans voice. But, there was nothing he could possibly do. So he left Logan to be with himself.


Friday came, it was approximately 10pm, after Logans tasks he is free to do whatever he desires. And so he was heading to Virgils place, as he was going he saw a violet rose.

The pretty rose reminded him of Virgil, he couldn't help it. Logan picked up the flower, it comepletely called to him.

And so he made it to the little house that was at the start of the forest. He knocked and Virgil opened the door.

Logan held out the violet rose to him. "Have this." He stuttered a bit.

Virgil smiled, took the flower and said "You are adorable Lo giving me flowers." Out of nowhere this air of confidence surrounded him. Ever since Virgil has been drinking medicine and getting theraphy. He has more turned into a sarcastic, witty and sharp remark type of guy who smiled time to time.

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