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The advisor stayed with Virgil throughout the day and asked questions. "Virgil before you got here where did you come from? As in before living here." He hummed, "Well I lived in a diffrent kingdom with my ex. I didn't want to be reminded of him so I left."
Logan nodded along,

"Hey what do you do in the castle?" Logan sighed heavily "I have lots of duties. But for the most part I have to attend to the prince and teach him, I am like his teacher. And I am the protector of the family, if anything happens the information comes to me." Virgil nodded, he got up and went to make himself some tea. "Alright Virgil I will take my leave.  And trust me when I say you'll be fine after this, okay?" Virgil smiled at him and nodded. "Goodbye."

Logan left to acces the situation to the villagers that were near Virgils proximity. If anything happens to Virgil he wont go easy on those kids that hurt him next time. He made it to the village. Logan clapped his hands to get the attention. Everyone looked up and realised it was the advisor.

"Salutations everyone. It has come to me that you wanted the beast to be banished, correct?"

"Yes, it's a monster for scaring our darling children! They were so frightened, my precious daughter had that thing slap her!"
Logan sighed at that.
"Falsehood, he is not a monster. I have come here to tell that the person you call a monster is in fact a person. I have met him, and I insist you teach your children what is wrong and right, because today there was a case where the so called monster got beaten up and tormented by teenagers from this village. I highly doubt he hurt any of your children, if anything your children are the beasts for assaulting someone who did nothing but exist.
This individual doesn't want that, I am insisting to not come in his proximity of land otherwise you will be dealing with us already. Does everyone understand me?"

Most nodded but there was a hand up. "But if he isn't a monster why did our kids ran away?" Logan understood there are still questions so he will proceed to answer "It's because of his appearence. He has black eyes and black tears spilling from his face along with skin that looks like broken glass, it's related to trauma that happend in the past but we don't know why his appearence changed."

The villagers nodded. Logan looked at the kids that bullied Virgil and they just scoffed but looked slightly guilty. That was enough.

"Does everyone understand?" Everyone nodded. "Good then my job here is done, I'll take my leave. Good day."

He was glad that this was over with, he had other duties to do. Train Roman in sword fighting, teach him mathematics. Check in what problems the kingdom has. He didn't need any more work to do.

Roman has sneaked out of the castle to see Virgil, he just had a feeling that it was a curse of some sort plus he wanted to know what the deal was with him being mopy dopy.

As he walked carefully through villages,markets and finally made it to the foresty area. He walked to Virgils sopposed home and knocked and the door opened slightly.
Virgil was minding his own buisness sweeping up the house then he heard a knock he opened it thinking it was the man who stood up for him but to his suprise it was princey who screamed in his face....yeah no Virgil isn't dealing with this and closed the door on him.

Roman was offended how dare he do that to royalty?! He thought to himself angrily. And yelled to Virgil through the door "OPEN UP!" Virgil sighed at that annoyed what does he want?
"What do you want princey?"
"To talk to you of course!"
"Oh and scream right in my face again?" Roman sighed "Virgilius I apologize for my actions. You just looked dreadful but from the bottom of my heart I do wish to help you."
Virgil paused ...fine but I'm not trusting him. And so he opened the door.

"Come in I guess." And that Roman did, he walked inside. As he looked around he couldn't help but notice some similar things he had mostly paintings. "Say dark and dreary one did you paint these paintings?" Virgil looked at him confused "...Yes?" Roman looked delighted "That's wonderful! You paint amazingly, you have a true talent." Virgil just nodded to say thanks.

"Anyways what I want is the deets!"...what "You want the deets?"
"Yes!" Roman looked at him expectantly.

He thinks that he can just interrogate Virgils life just like that and prance in like the prince he is. "I'm sorry but I won't be sharing my personal life." The prince looked at him sadly and with hope in his eyes "But Virgilius, I want to help you. I just want to know what happend after you broke up with your boyfriend."

Virgil sighed,
what if this twat get's angry at me for refusing to tell him and then he sends a mob after me?...this prince better be good

"Fine, sit down and let's chat." They sat down on Virgils couch. "Basically what happend is that, when my boyfriend now ex broke up with me I ran away since I was feeling overwhelmed I made it to a well and I crouched down there. I looked into the well and my face looked diffrent, my eyes black and black tears dripping, sharp teeth, and broken glass skin. I passed out I thought it was a hallucination because when I looked in a mirror I looked normal again."

There was silence. Roman was shocked. So Virgil has no idea he looks like the reflection he saw, no wonder why he feels so confused about all this.
"So? Got your details that you wanted?" Roman nodded "Thank you Virgilius. I appreciate you could tell me this." Virgil just shrugged it off.

"Hey panic at the everywhere lets paint together some time I'm a fan of the arts myself!" Virgil looked at him suprised, he didn't expect for princey to be so nice to him. "Okay prince just keep up with your duties and don't tire out Lo too much kay?"
Romans eyes lit up "OOoOoooO nicknames? What you besties now with my advisor?"
"That guy changed my life, we are atleast aquaintances." Roman smiled brightly at him, "AWW that's nice, finally my serious teach has a friend."
Virgil shrugged.

"Alright emo nightmare I'm off bye!"
"Wow what a royal thing to say. Bye princey." Virgil said sarcastically.
Man that guy is eccentric, that was the most amount of names I have been called ever

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