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      Today Roman and Patton, were joining Logan to see Virgil because they don't get to see him often. One topic came up as they were walking.

"Logan, why don't you confess to Virgil?" Patton asked out of nowhere.

His cheeks flushed, Roman on the other hand "Wait. So Logan actually has a crush on Virgil? You actually do?"

Logan didn't want to answer, by this point it isn't a simple crush, hes in love after a very long time.

"Well then, it look's like you finally found the one." The prince said dreamily.

If you only knew Roman...

Patton smiled at Logan, "It's okay, take your time. It's alright if you don't want to talk about it."

For once Logan liked Patton, the only real reason he didn't like him was because he was the reason for Romans behaviour and late to studies.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

The cheerful friend nodded. And so they made it to Virgil's home. Roman knocked on the door.

Door opened, "Oh hey, haven't seen you guys in a while."

"Well a prince has royal duties to do." Roman said with hand gestures.

"Don't you mean ignore?" Logan retorted.

The princed huffed in annoyance, "How dare you! I have gotten better at my studies!"

Patton nodded, "When Ro comes over he still studies and even practices dancing with me."

Logan sighed, "Okay, fine. I apologize I have just been really irritable as of late." Totally not because of a certain flirtatious jerk.

"Alright, well come in. I haven't heard from you in a while." He said as he went inside. They followed inside.

There were some new paintings. Of the stars and one constellation that Logan imideatly noticed, Aquila...
He smiled lightly to himself. Virgil called it a weird fish.

But another thing he noticed was the purple flower he gave him that one time, seems like it was pressed in a book. "Virgil, did you keep that flower I gave you?" Because after all it could be a mistake.

His cheeks tinted pink lightly, Patton chuckled, "He didn't want to throw away a flower you gave him, he asked me for help. "

Logan looked at him and smiled softly, Virgil looked away embarassed. The couple squeled with delight.

All of them sat down at the couch, "I want to know dark gloom, are you doing okay now?" Roman asked catiously.

"Yeah, I'm okay. You guys help alot just by being here and caring." He mumbled, though it's true. People who have suffered alot alone, it means the world to them if you can do as much as litsen.

They smiled at Virgil comfortingly, "Alright enough sappiness, rember I'm still edgy! What have you guys been up to?"

Romans eyes lit up, "OMG, Logan this nerd right here. Read beauty and the beast! A fairytale! Can you believe this, and he likes it."

Virgil head perked up, meanwhile Logan was grumbling to himself. "Hey Lo?"

The advisor looked up at him, "Yes?"

"I actually have fairytale book's...I could lend you some if you would like."  He said uncertain of the other would say, Virgil always had fairytale book's.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you starshine." of course he would accept, there was no uncertainty.

And all of them began to chatter on and on, Patton took care of animals, and the prince took lessons from his boyfriend how to take care of wounds. Logan has been teaching combat in times of need.

Virgil doesn't know how longer will he keep the actual story from them. It's been agonizing to keep it from them, but he doesn't want to lose them.

His thoughts were cut short. The window burst open, and it was none other than the duke, "HEY BITCHES. WHAT THE FUCk why do I all of a sudden feel a royal pain in my ass???"

Roman imideatly stood up, "Whats your deal?! I'm a prince and you are just the fuck up accident."

Remus climbed in, "What's my deal? Uh bitch what's your deal? And I was the kidnapped baby not the fuck up."

The person that was the most confused here was Patton, but he couldn't stand fights especially someone fighting his lover, "Excuse me mister, but that is the awsome, brave, unbeatable prince Roman!"

"Oh? So you are the one who was forced into this relationship."

The prince was ready to fight him, but Patton was holding him back.

Virgil sighed frustrated, he didn't want to deal with this, Logan noticed and understood he had to be the one to stop this.

"Everyone calm down!" He tried but no one heard him still arguing.

Well then Logan has no choice "LITSEN UP YOU SHITHEADS!" He yelled so loud that everyone can hear him.

Silence came and they turned their heads at him.

"Good, got your attention. Litsen, this arguing will get you nowhere. And Patton since you are the most confused one here, I will start explaining. So this man, is the duke, he is the twin of Roman, and the lost prince of the kindom who was indeed kidnapped for some reason. We found this out at Deceit's cave. And do you think arguing will get you some sort of reward, no it won't. Yes Roman can be a pain, but he has good qualities too, caring and brave. And the duke...well he may act like a flirty idiot but he has a side of rationality. And when you are a baby you can't imideatly be a fuck up."

Everyone stayed silent for a while until Remuses eyes switched to evergreen, "He is right you know, arguing get's people nowhere. People have diffrent qualities, and I am just a bit crazy. And you my twin, you acted very rudely that's why I called you that when we first met. And it wasnt hard to imagine that you could force someone to date you. I apologize."

Now Roman stared at him, "But you were such a bitch?"

Remuses eyes changed to bright green, "Oh I am! And I'm still going to call you a pain in my ass, just not infront of your boyfriend. I just love seeing the nerd angry."

Then Roman looked at the clock and realized he had to go, "Fine then I will still call you garbage man. But I and my honey have to go."

He got up and took Pattons hand and started waltzing out meanwhile the duke was like, "I GET HOW IT IS. WELL THEN GO PENETRATE DAT ASS."

Virgil couldn't help it, he chuckled at the antics, "Well then will you go too?" Logan asked, because it's been too long when he has read a book together with Virgil.

"Uh no?? I just got here!" He said and now we have a disappointed Logan, Virgil didn't mind since he already knew who Remus truly wanted.

Authors note: So I think next chapters will be longer so there isn't so many parts, It will be like combined. But as you can see Remus has certain triggers than turn him from Remus to duke vice versa. But i feel bad for Logan, all he wanted was to read a book with Virgil and instead gets blocked again by Remus.

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