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Authors note: This chapter is emotional af, just a fair warning.

Words: 971

Deceit went out so the two can have privacy. At first it was a little awkard, but awkwardness never hurted anyone physically.

"So dear, what happend after you ran away?" Remus asked catiously.

Virgil shivered but he deserved to know, "Well I ran far, until I made it to a well. When I looked into the well I saw the reflection of how I look like now. But after that I got to this kingdom, I couldnt stand the guilt if I went back. And the wrath of my parents would've had me in a coma. But I found a cottage that was abondoned in the forest and well made it my new home. And when I looked into a mirror again I looked normal so for the longest time I didn't know how I actually looked like. That's what happened basically. "

Remus looked at him for a while with sadness in his eyes, "Were you alone for all this?"

Virgil looked down and nodded. He got up and hugged Virgil, he accepted the hug back. "I'm sorry you had to endure all that by yourself."

"Please don't be sorry Rem, it was my fault I didn't stay and shouldve stood up to them instead ran away like a pathetic bastard." he mumbled softly. Remus pulled away and held his hands, "It's okay, besides phsychologically you werent ready. But...how did you know those people?"

Virgil smiled lightly, Remus had always been caring, "Well, the one you called nerdy wolverine actually...he helped me alot. When we first met they were set out to find me, your twin fucking screamed when he saw me, I started to shiver and cry but Lo had gone and comforted me so gently. It had been a long time since I experienced that sort of comfort. And the reason they had to come to me in the first place was the bullshit that I appearently scared children away and teens,

and of course the parents were mad and complained. While in reality I was getting bullied just because of how I looked like. But ever since I met Logan everything in my life got so much better. I even have a therapist, so don't worry about me. "

Words came flying out like colours on a blank canvas. Remus sighed of relief.

"I'm glad, well then theres nothing to worry about! And Virgil." Suddenly his voice dropped low and deep, and very serious, he got a shiver down his spine hearing that.

"Yes?" He asked catious.

"I have changed since you met me, so please trust me, don't be afraid. I may act so much diffrent than before so please, don't be afraid of me." He said with such a worried voice, and a slight plead.

He was really confused and now a bit alarmed, but it was Remus, crazy but caring Remus.

"Okay. I will trust you." He put his hand over his. Altough his anxiety was through the roof but he wanted to trust him. "Since I told you what happened afterwards, do you mind saying what happend to you?"

Remus thought for a bit, "Well...let's just say things got bloody. I must say your so called parents don't deserve to be called parents. I couldnt defend myself but eventually they left, and I was left there bleeding. I took care of it, but really they are assholes, if I had the chance now I would rip them into pieces. I became agressive twoards everyone, even got into fights for the smallest of things,

I looked for you, but alass it didn't work. One day I got into a fight defending myself but the person was stronger than me. Afterwards my body led me to the first place I told that I love you. I sat there for a while, then Jan-Deceit found me and now I'm here. So I'm not alone. "

Virgil sat there not knowing what to do, he felt ten times more guilty. He suffered alot too, the only thing he knew was to hug him and so he did.

"I'm really sorry..." he said in a hushed voice, the two stayed like that.
Remus shed a few tears, he felt so happy after so long, Virgil was here.

They held eachother tight until, a certain someone came in.

"Are you guys okay?"

Both looked up and saw Deceit, then they understood to let go. He sighed at them a bit sadly,

"Hey Jan-Dee." Remus once again tried not to say his real name.

Janus chuckled, "It's okay, you can call me that around Anxiety, besides I predict he will be around here more often now, so theres no point in correcting yourself. " with a fond look in his eyes, he smiled at him.

Huh, Dee can appearently can like someone too.

The man in green top with a black leather jacket, dark brown hair with a gray streak in it and with evergreen eyes smiled. "Okay Janus."

Virgil sighed, "Well Deceit, then you can call me Virgil or whatever besides Anxiety is like not a thing to joke about anyways."

Janus nodded, "Then boys let's go to the dining room."


Remus noticed Virgils lost expression and said, "Theres more to this cave, it's our home basically. Behind that door is our home and rooms. " he pointed at a door that was in a corner, that he hadnt noticed before.

As so they walked in the real home.

So after this chapter, things will be more fluffy rather than angsty or emotional. Sure like some chapters will have emotional stuff but it will be minimal, if there will be another emotional chapter i will say it in authors notes. Also constructive criticism is accepted.

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